How To Write a Book Review

How To Write a Book Review

The ability for someone to review a book and others to see it is nothing short of magical. Not only do book reviews allow you to be more selective in what books you read, but they’re also a bridge to other bookworms all around the world. Yet, writing a review isn’t as easy as it seems. Below we have provided a layout of what should be in a book review in order to help your audience decide if a book is right for them.

Describe the Plot

To start, your readers are going to want to know a general summary of what the book is about. You want to share just enough to hook the reader without giving too much away. We recommend starting with the jacket of the book and then add a few more details that you think are important. Make sure to not get too wordy, or you’ll be moving into book report territory.

Avoid spoilers
No one interested in reading a book wants to hear any spoilers. When you make certain parts of the book known you rob your readers of that genuine emotional reaction or discovery. It can go as far as ruining the whole book for them if they know what is coming, so resist the temptation and stick to the broad storyline.

Hook Your Reader

You are writing the review so that someone reads it. In order for them to want to read it, you need to catch their attention right away. The first sentence in your review should be something that makes the reader want to know more. You can do this by making the first sentence very definitive. For example, “This was by far the best book I have read this year.” Or you can take another approach and make the first sentence very leading. For example, “I went into this book thinking I would love it, but boy was I wrong.” Either way, your first sentence needs to make the reader want to know your full opinion on the book.

Have a Clear Opinion 
It is easy to understand your opinion when leaving a one or five-star review, but when you get into the three-star to four-star range it can be a bit tricky to understand. Make it clear what you liked and didn’t like about the book, but also end it with a direct opinion on if you would or would not recommend purchasing it.

Also, when recommending if someone should or should not purchase the book remember that not every book is suited to every reader, so you’ll want to be specific about who is likely to enjoy it. Keep in mind that even if a book didn’t fit your personal reading tastes, there’s a chance it may appeal to other readers and your review could help them to discover it.

Proofread Your Work

 The fastest way to lose credibility with your audience is to have typos in your review. Give your entire review a final read before posting so you can correct any spelling or grammar errors. The last thing you want is for a reader to stop following your reviews because you seem uneducated in your writing.

Now you are ready to leave a book review. Remember to have fun and know you are helping all of us fellow book worms on our next reading selection!

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