Satire Fiction Book Review So Absurd It Must Be True: funny tales for dirty minds

The title says it all this quick read was SO absurd and bizarre.  The different tales make for a quick humorous read, with that said this book is for the intelligent, just to be able to follow along. Victoria Ray is a witty and humorous author.  The book is a little crazy, and I will admit there was a couple of times I was lost, had to flip back a couple of pages and re-read.  Victoria Ray’s So Absurd It Must be True has 42 short stories each one is a little more absurd than the last, down to the character names and situations.

Definitely not a book for children or the YA readers, this is a One Of a KIND Satire Fiction adult book. The stories are quick, short, and unique, sometimes a little twisted. I read this book floating in the pool, it was a fun, laugh out loud quick read.

I love the synopsis at the end of each short story, of the Lessons learned from the story.

If you like reading humorous satire, you will love this book.

So Absurd It Must Be True: funny tales for dirty minds (Unique and Absurd Book 1)

ONE OF A KIND! Odd, bizarre, absurd and addictive! 

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As you turn the pages of Victoria Ray’s debut book, you’ll realize, once again, that the mix of humor, erotica and sci-fi is always the best medicine and that absurd things happen all the time, such as:

  • a father of nine, who, on Valentine’s Day, is forced to have sex with every woman he meets;
  • a crazy producer with 50 phobias, one of which is his last name;
  • an author of an unfinished book, spending his days in fear of Mr. Best Seller, pancakes, his wife’s breasts and running;
  • a trip to a place called Escape, where a divorced woman, Mrs. BouncyTits, is surrounded only by hot and lonely men – until her last breath;
  • and much more…

The heaven of all absurd and bizarre is awaiting you on the pages of this book! When we see something strange, we immediately start thinking – anything weird or odd activates our brains! These 42 strange stories are mind opening and will not only make you smile, but will also make you think.

Are you ready to engulf yourself in some silly and dirty tales that will make you smile?

Remember, these are adult stories (18+), so share only with your mature friends!

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From the Author

So Absurd it Must be True features a tantalizing mix of humor, erotica and sci-fi. 42 thought provoking tales for free* minds everywhere. Dive into this collection of silly tales, dirty jokes, and mind opening tales… read it today!
Do not forget to share your positivity with Ray! 

From the Back Cover

“I woke up in my house, on a pair of black smelly tights and twenty bucks. I had the feeling Julia was gone. Who’s going to take care of my laundry?”

So begins the first story in the book So Absurd It Must Be True
This collection of 42 short stories humorously explores the dark and ironic side of human behavior. Each hero has a mission – to make you smile, think and learn something new about yourself and the world.

It is witty and lucid.
A book of perfect hilarity and serious wisdoms.
It is dark and ironic.

Featuring bizarre characters – Gluttony, TightPants and SizeDoesntMatter.
The book brings to light the greatest human flaws, sins and desires, so we may learn that secrets never stay hidden ‘forever’. So Absurd It Must Be True is an unforgettable reading experience!Everything is an allegory, until it is not.
Everything is emotional, raw and relatable.
Everything is a mix of erotica, sci-fi and humor.

About the Author

Victoria Ray is an author based in Sweden.
Ray’s debut book “So Absurd It Must Be True” describes as an “unique, messy, bizarre, thought-provoking and addictive “. The stories are packed with action, drama, erotica, romance, sarcasm, hatred, science-fiction. Anything left?..