Ride of My Life: After Dark Fiction™ Book Review

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Ride of My Life: After Dark Fiction™

by SS Cohentown (Author), Sirrah Publishers (Editor)

Book Review


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If your looking for a new Erotica Author, with some Action and Adventure mixed in then SS Cohentown should be your next ready. Ride of My Life: After Dark Fiction™ has a well played out plot, the writing, the unique and the chemistry between the characters always kept me turning the pages. Engaging plot and powerful writing.

Right off the bat, I wanted to be one of the florist Zev Kraft’s quirky friends, and live in Dansbury.  Possibly just to get one of his designs or see him jogging 🙂

We have a hostage situation, a Gunman, and people ready to take a stand. ” It’s going to get worse before it gets better.”  We have been through a lot buddy. War and just life. I read the same thing.”  Someones shot, Screams echoed the room…

The situation, the timing, the bathroom the hostages   “Jon, what are you doing? We got less than ten minutes to get back…..

I highly recommend this read.  Find out more about the Debutant, The queer, The big black guy and the Florist, and don’t forget The Ride of my Life Powerful and Dominant.

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A story of a motley crew of bus riders from the beautiful town of Dansbury that are hijacked by drug traffickers. Zev Kraft the awesome florist that he strives to keep the group afloat.

SS Cohentown’s wrote this first novel during the hardship of homelessness. Post-car accident and two back procedures came to this story. It was at this time a strong hope to have this book become a play and upon completion, it was requested to be put into a play format by a City of Dallas literary group. It is planned to be performed locally with a PG rating.

SS Cohentown enjoys the fun and freedom that writing brings and the challenges to constantly improve the skills needed to tell a story proficiently. SS Cohentown is currently reformatting “Ride of My life” as a play, completing the book “Philadelphian Love”, and shortly thereafter begin in earnest the urban thriller Murder and “Money don’t Mix.”

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The soul of the story;

This is an adventure about a community of people that are as diverse as it comes and how they show varying degrees of aptitude in achieving the goal of being an empowered human that not only change the future for the better for his/her own sake but for those he/she care about!

And here is the body;

We would like to think that we want the best for ourselves. To put away our past and start a new life. To do those things that you just didn’t have time to do. Maybe, you just didn’t appreciate it when you did have the time.

Not that your past life was so bad, but you want your future to be more evolved. Filled with the things you REALLY want to do. Live in a place you love and hang out with those who are on the same journey as you.

Maybe, they are a bit slower than you are.
Some are barely coasting to get to a higher plane. Their lives aren’t less significant, nor yours better. A great discovery is there power in a group, those that are weak may carry the weight of those who appear strong, and move the group in a more positive direction.

And that is what truly matters.

You’ve got what you worked so long, and hard for….you are successful and well loved. But one “normal” day….

changes your life forever.

Zev Kraft was just that man. He was ready to “settle down” and just enjoy his life as a bit of a loner. To sit back and watch the grass grow so to speak. His hobby turned business was what he needed at this moment in his life.

That and the love of his quirky friends. Yes, Zev Kraft, the awesome florist that he was, had everything that he needed.

Or did he?

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