Interview with Jennifer Perry Author of Sell Your Books Today!

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Interview with Jennifer Perry Author of Sell Your Books Today!

Lone Wolf Communications, LLC specializes in Entertainment Publicity. We provide individual client services and consultations, as well as webinars and our own books for practitioners of the “Do-It-Yourself” movement.

Owner Jennifer Perry is the producer and host of Madame Perry’s Salon on blog talk radio, and creator of the dark comedy podcast The Agency.  You’ll also find Perry sharing her expertise and humor as a guest on shows like Gwinnett Business Radio, The Freaking Genius, On The Money, and more.

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“Sell Your Books Today!” is a guide for authors who need to learn how to promote and sell their books DIY style

Jennifer Perry is a member of the Entertainment Publicists Professional Society in both Los Angeles and New York City. Perry has been in the public relations business professionally since receiving a BA in Journalism with a Concentration in Public Relations from Georgia State University in 2005, which included a semester at the Universidad du Complutense in Madrid, Spain. She has worked on publicity campaigns for HBO Documentary Premieres, Feld Entertainment, (handling Spanish language media) celebrity chefs, attorneys, authors, musicians and more. In 2008 she launched Lone Wolf Communications, LLC, her boutique entertainment publicity firm.

Before working in PR Perry produced and hosted an award-winning entertainment show on cable TV in Atlanta, Georgia. Since 2015 she’s produced and hosted the podcast Madame Perry’s Salon.

Connect with Jennifer

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Sell Your Books Today!


All you need to start promoting your own books. Professional tips from a seasoned entertainment publicist!

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What would you say is your interesting writing quirk? Writing always happens with a dog or two under my desk, a cup of tea, and a cinnamon scented candle.

 What do you like to do when you’re not writing? I love music, reading, dancing, my dogs, and British TV.

 When did you write your first book and how old were you? As a Southern woman, my age is a rigorously guarded secret.

What does your family think of your writing? My husband loves my writing. The dogs are just under the desk patiently waiting for a break to play or get treats.

What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your books? It’s hard to just let it go. Every time I proofread I feel something else must be written.

How many books have you written? Which is your favorite? Three. Two are instructional books on DIY publicity. The other is a collection of humorous essays.

 Do you have any suggestions to help me become a better writer? If so, what are they I agree with every writer who says the best way is to read. Also to learn to edit, then get a good editor and let them do their job!

 As a child, what did you want to do when you grew up?  A scientist

How long does it take you to write this books? I’ve worked on this one about a year.

What is your work schedule like when you’re writing? Whenever I can sneak in time I grab it.

What brought you to write this book series? It saddens me when I see writers, musicians, artists or anyone who creates something magnificent yet can’t get it to the public because they can’t afford a publicist, don’t know how to do it themselves, or even worse don’t understand what a publicist can do for them.

How you become a published author? Any inspiration? Pray and push myself!

Where do you get your information or ideas for your books? For the instructional books I look for the best way to help people. For my essays they are true life stories that, even though crazy or awful at the time, are still funny if I put myself outside of the situation.

What’s next for you? What are you working on now? I’m working on a DIY publicity book for musicians.
