Interview with Tiffany Madison author of Vacation With My Stepbrother and Kisses from My Stepbrother

Tiffany-MadisonQ:When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?:

A:I think it was the exact moment that I realized I could work from home while never changing out of sweat pants. That whole “wearing decent clothes” thing apparently wasn’t for me.

Q:How long does it take you to write a book?:

A:A novella will take me a few weeks. The first day or so are spent writing an outline. Then there’s about a week of watching Family Guy and Futurama episodes. On day seven or eight, the writing begins.

Q:What is your work schedule like when you’re writing?:

A:I wake up at some ungodly hour, usually 6am. I don’t really know why. Then I drink several cups of coffee, let the dogs out and watch the news. By 8am, I’m ready to go. I sit down at my desk, check my social media accounts, and then distract myself as much as possible. If all goes well, though, I’m either writing, proofreading, or publishing by 10am. I try to stay at the desk until 3pm or so. Much more than that and my brain begins to hurt. I’ve then hit a point of diminishing returns.

Q:What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?:

A:I always try to incorporate a major twist at the end of every story. I have over 100 stories, and nearly every one of them has a messed up twist at the end. I’m sick in the head.

Q:How do books get published?:

A:I guess I have to check the “other” box here. I didn’t see a box for “whiskey and caffeine” or “brute force and ignorance.”

Q:What do you like to do when you’re not writing?:

A:Wait, there are things to do outside of my house?!

Q:When did you write your first book and how old were you?:

A:I suppose my first “real” book was written just two years ago, when I was twenty-eight… Unless “My Vampire Cat” counts, which was written in crayon on construction paper. In that case, I was just six years old. Those were my glory days.

Q:Where do you get your information or ideas for your books?:

A:Everything around us is a seed for a potential idea. You just have to be crazy enough to notice it.

Q:What does your family think of your writing?:

A:They don’t get to read a lot of my stories. Can you imagine what my seventy-year-old mother would think if she flipped through my catalog??? I’m almost thirty-one and live on my own and I’d still be grounded.

Q:What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your books?:

A:That I have a weird imagination. Like…really weird.

Q:How many books have you written? Which is your favorite?:

A:I’ve written over 100 books. Most of them are shorter stories, but some would be considered novellas/novels. I’m confident that my latest books are always my best. I cringe when I read my first stories. I just wasn’t very developed as an author when I wrote some of those. So I suppose my favorite at the moment would be “Vacation With My Stepbrother.” This one will be published on July 31st, which I’m super excited about! To see Tiffany Madison’s Books click here to visit her Amazon page.

Q:Do you have any suggestions to help me become a better writer? If so, what are they?:

A:I know I’ve been joking around a lot on this interview. But I’m being serious now, so pay attention. I’m not being facetious at all when I say this: write more. This is the single only way you’ll become a better writer. You can read all of the writing books in the world, but it won’t do you any good until you sit your butt down in that chair and start pounding on those damn keys. Do it. Don’t think about it. Just sit down and pour your heart out. I don’t care what it’s about or if it makes sense or if you think it’s good. If you want to be a writer, then write. Don’t ever stop. Every day, sit down and create something.

Q:Do you hear from your readers much? What kinds of things do they say?:

A:I actually hear from readers quite often! I love it! One of my readers writes me whenever she finishes one of my books. My favorite thing that she ever told me was that when she finished the “Kisses From My Stepbrother” series, it put a smile on her face that lasted an entire day. I’ve worked a lot of jobs in my life, but I’ve never had anybody say that something I did gave them that kind of joy. It’s those kind of messages that remind me why I do this.

Q:Do you like to create books for kids or adults? and Why?:

A:Adults. I like writing within the romance spectrum.

Q:What do you think makes a good story?:

A:In my opinion, there are a handful of things that a good story requires: a character you love, a character you hate and a way to bring those two together. That’s it. Anything else is fluff.

Q:As a child, what did you want to do when you grew up?:

A:Funny enough — and I’m not joking here — I wanted to be a writer when I grew up. I don’t recall saying it, but my sister reminded me of it a few months ago. She said that I had talked about it when I was young. I guess dreams do come true. I couldn’t be more grateful.

Connect with Author Tiffany Madison
Website : Tiffany Madison
Facebook: Author Tiffany Madison

A1qr1zYeG6L._UX250_About your book: “Vacation With My Stepbrother” is a romantic story of a young couple who have the odds stacked against them. It will be released on July 31st and I can’t wait to hear what people have to say about it! It’s quite a bit different than anything I’ve written so far.

“I don’t care what anybody else would think about this, Steven. Just take me right now…”

My ordinary life as a young woman changed drastically when my mom got remarried. Things got complicated quickly and the entire dynamics of our family got turned upside down when William and his son, Steven, moved into our home.

Steven was fifteen years older than me. He was gorgeous, muscular and rich. As a successful entrepreneur, Steven had no need to live under our roof, but had decided to do so in an effort to really get to know his new family.

But even though society said that it was wrong to lust after my step brother, I find myself unable to control my urges. And it isn’t long before both Steven and I step over the lines of what most people would consider to be “acceptable behavior”.

Can our love for one another be fully expressed or will it have to forever remain a secret?

Click to purchase Kisses from my Stepbrother