The Worst Life Has to Offer Book Review

Venetta’s strength and power to overcome are so AMAZING She has the resilience to overcome such tragedy in the toughest of circumstances.

This is an emotional journey, and as a reader, I felt as if I was on the journey with the Venetta. What an emotional and painful time in her life, and to find some peace and to be able to put the story to paper is just amazing. Yes, this is a true story of Grief and Grieving through a mother’s eyes. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND you order a copy and read how this Healing Journey unfolds. Purchase on Amazon

Cox-Mlynczyk’s unimaginable grief is so powerful, I actually had to put the book down a few times and come back to finish. The Worst Life Has To Offer show the reader with love and support from family and friends, you will find a way through the darkest times, it inspires others to never give up on hope.

The Worst Life Has to Offer Purchase on Amazon

Venetta Mlynczyk has endured unimaginable tragedy, a parent’s worst nightmare. The sudden deaths of her only two children, just six months apart.

Suffering excruciating pain, and grappling with complicated grief and guilt, led her to dark places.

Then, in the throes of grief, she was completely blindsided by a cruel twist that shocked people around the world.

Suspicions surrounding the investigation into Brandon’s death, left Venetta on a path seeking justice for years. Devon’s death also sparked mysterious lingering questions.

From the depths of despair, she found the courage and strength to navigate the multiple layers of her grief, exploring a myriad of messy emotions.

In the face of adversity, Venetta’s resilience offers hope and inspiration to anyone grieving the death of a loved one.

The sun will shine again on the other side of sadness, even when the worst life has to offer, happens.

Prior to Venetta’s life being drastically altered by tragedy, she enjoyed a full life, including a rewarding and successful career as a college instructor, teaching dental assisting for 25 years. She prides herself, on having prepared close to a thousand students for a career in the dental field. Venetta loves traveling on cruise ships, with her husband George. She always looks forward to spending time with family and friends. Today, Venetta focuses on her well-being, continuing further along her healing journey, and honoring her son’s, Devon and Brandon. Purchase on Amazon