Let’s get started…
Tell us about this book?
The Unshakeable Road to Love (Value Centered Relationships) is based upon Eternal Principles from all world scriptures, including Zen. These eternal principles guide us to build a foundation for our relationships where happiness and well being are inevitable. And where upset and conflict can dissolve on the spot.
A radically different approach to psychology, the material offers a completely new perspective on what is truly needed in relationships. The book explores the difference between Real and Counterfeit Love. We see how all our suffering in relationships is due to being caught in the trap of Counterfeit Love.
This is a Book of Practice. It is filled with insights, instructions, interventions and exercises so that the material can be made real and practiced directly daily, in all our relationships.
What is the PRIMARY benefit, above all others, that your potential reader will gain from reading this book? (Be very specific. Please do not answer with ‘good read’ or ‘page turner’ or some other worn-out, overused phrase. Be concise and avoid generalization.)
The Primary Benefit from reading this book is a completely new look at what love is, and what it takes to be truly happy. For example, the reader will discover that To Be Happy You do Not Have to Be Loved. You Have to Learn What It Means To Be Loving. They will also discover that another person cannot make you unhappy. It is your response that causes your distress. And, although we cannot change others, we are always in charge of how we respond.
The book is unique in that it offers many Instructions, Exercises and Interventions based upon Eternal Principles which allow you to make these truths real in their everyday life. And, when they do, Upset, Conflict and Pain Can Dissolve On The Spot.
If you had to compare this book to any other book out there, which book would it be?
This book bas similarities to Loving What Is, by Byron Katie and also The Course in Miracles.
(Remember: The audience does not yet know you. It is very important that you reference something they might be familiar with to effectively and powerfully communicate what your work is about. You are NOT saying you are ‘better than’ or ‘just like’ this comparative, but are somewhat the same in a very general sense, to give the listener a point of reference.)
Hundreds of thousands of books come out every year. Why should someone buy THIS book? (What is it that sets THIS book apart from ALL those other books in the same genre or category? What will the buyer get from you and ONLY you that simply cannot be found elsewhere?)
This book is unique in that it explores the difference between Real and Counterfeit Love and shows how all the suffering we have in relationships is due to being caught in the trap of Counterfeit Love. This book offer insights into the real nature of love, careful guidelines and ways of applying these truths in your everyday life. As you do so you realize that Everyone We Meet Is Our Teacher In What It Means to Love.
Who is your target audience? (Be very specific. Gender? Age range? Geographic area? Primary interests? What benefits does the reader hope to gain from buying a book like this book?)
The book is non fiction, in the spiritual self help, relationship and Zen categories. It is suitable for all genders and ages. The work is geared towards those who wish to build their relationships upon an Unshakeable Foundation, that is informed by Eternal values and truths. It is geared to those who wish to be free from loneliness, sorrow and distress and be a source of strength and inspiration for all.
This book would also be of interest to psychologists, therapists, coaches, those interested in Zen and yoga. It is for those working in addiction and recovery, marriage counselors, grief counselors, and all seeking to help those who are in distress.
Did your environment or upbringing play a major role in your writing and did you use it to your advantage?
Yes. Growing up in the midst of a great deal of conflict and those with differing beliefs and opinions, I was driven my entire life to discover the simple truths of life and what was in the way of naturally loving each other. Deep down I always felt love was readily available and could easily be experienced if we saw life differently. And if we understood how we become so confused and forlorn.
Tell us your most rewarding experience since publishing your work?
I am thrilled and delighted to receive the responses I have from those who are working with the material, reading the text and taking the workshops. I love seeing how easily and quickly these interventions have eliminated a great deal of suffering.
How would you describe your writing style?
This book is written in a simple, direct, easy to understand accessible style. It is for everyone.
Are your characters pure fiction, or did you draw from people you know?
This is a non fiction book. The stories in it are based upon material from scripture and also Zen stories, of great Zen Masters and monks of old. I have also included personal stories from my own life.
What do you hope to accomplish with your book other than selling it?
I truly wish to share these wonderful Eternal Principles of love, happiness and healing with all. I feel they have been greatly overlooked in our preoccupation with modern day psychology and the intense competitiveness and harshness of the world we live in.
There is a great increase of suicides and drug abuse these days due to a growing sense of meaninglessness and hopeless. These wonderful truths from the ages come to guide us, heal us and focus upon what is truly important and how to live a meaningful life.
How can our readers get in touch with you? (List your Website URL, Social Media links, and Email)
[email protected], www.brendashoshanna.com, www.totalrelationhipsnow.com, www.simplelawsoflove.com, realspiritualcounseling.com
(My Instagram name is Zenlife
Facebook I have one…(To Be Worked With, New One??)
I do a weekly article on substack.com called zenbybrenda
Where can our readers purchase your book? (List different outlets with the link to your book)
It will be up on amazon, bn.com, and more. I’ll let you know when it’s up and I have the links.