The Underlying Dilemma, an Interview with Dr. Sonya H. Cha: Healing the Ego

In a world fraught with limitations, expectations, and a constant tug between our innate desires and our surroundings, Dr. Sonya H. Cha’s book, Unconditional Beings Living in a Conditional World: The Underlying Dilemma, is refreshing and therapeutic. Dr. Cha is a graduate from the Fuller Theological Seminary School of Psychology and a licensed therapist. She insightfully shares with readers what she has learned firsthand of mental health, spirituality, and the elusive pursuit of self-approval. Through her career and personal journey—a narrative steeped in balancing a thriving career, raising a family, and navigating academia—she lays out humans’ subconscious quest for unconditional love and respect.

Her book offers a transformative perspective on integrating spirituality and mental well-being; the path toward sustainable happiness, improved self-esteem, and a deeper understanding of our underlying dilemmas. Dr. Cha’s work surely resonates with all, as every individual always has room to work toward uncovering their potentials and fostering healthier, more fulfilling lives. We are happy to have this interview opportunity to ask Dr. Sonya H. Cha some questions about her book and concepts!

What inspired you to write your book Unconditional Beings Living in a Conditional World? Was there a specific event or realization that prompted this exploration?

Throughout my mental health career, I found that treating the external behaviors was temporary and my clients would continue to seek services as their issues would not fade. They continued to have difficulty with their symptoms and became dependent on therapy. I began to delve into the ego system to process what may have been suppressed since childhood to be the main factor causing the issues. As I began to see drastic changes in my clients, I realized that treating the ego and underlying dilemmas within the subconscious was more effective and durable than traditional treatment. This prompted me to write this book for others to understand the concepts of attaining a self-approbated ego and ego therapy.

The title of your book is quite compelling. Can you elaborate on the significance of Unconditional Beings and the Conditional World? How does this encapsulate the underlying dilemma you discuss?

Our world is conditioned by people’s judgments of what is status quo and imparts expectations that are not genuine to the self. Most will live their lives to adjust and succumb to these expectations. Not realizing this can lead to life impairments and even mental health and physical issues. I believe we are initially born as unconditional beings that have always been and will continue to be fully accepted without any conditions. However, it is challenging to balance these two worlds. Once the underlying dilemmas to one’s issues are established the process towards self-acceptance can begin.

A photograph of author Dr. Sonya H. ChaWhat is the central message or takeaway that you hope readers will gain from your book? How do you envision it making a positive impact on their lives?

The title of my book was inspired by 10 years of experience in mental health, encountering various cases towards effective treatment. Most have lived as conditional beings, longing for approval and depending on external factors to give them value and worth. When one can learn to become unconditionally loving people, a stronger self will evolve. This book sheds light on working towards a self-approbated ego. Self-approbation is defined as self-approval. Once the ego can begin to approve oneself, one can make healthier choices and apply coping skills that become more effective. Many people are unaware of what is happening in the ego system that impairs their ability to change. Learning about one’s ego and how to reach self-approval is key to making this change.

Lets talk cover and concept. What core themes or messages from your book do you envision being reflected in the cover?

People are looking for sustainable happiness and have searched for centuries. There are many things to bring about happiness, yet undurable. It is the unknown that creates anxiety and living in the past leads to depression. Most are unsure of what is within their subconscious that could be impacting their external lives. The underlying dilemma begins at the ego system, manifested through external thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors. Like an onion, layers need to be unraveled to see what is at the core of one’s identity. I hope that this book can begin the insight into one’s ego system and move them towards a self approbated ego where one can approve of who they genuinely will become.

Are there specific images or symbols from the book that you believe would capture its essence?

The image of the sun shining on a woman with rainbow colors represents no fear or shame in presenting herself to anyone in the world, especially recognizing God’s faithfulness to loving her unconditionally.

How do you see the visual representation of the unconditional beings in the context of the cover?

The image of a lady holding her scarf with her arms raised high, looking to the sky, manifests internal healing and full acceptance of who she is. This can be found through a self-approbated ego. No more worries about others’ judgments and negative conditioned thought patterns.

How would you describe the overall tone and mood of the book, and how should these elements be conveyed through the cover?

The overall tone and mood of the book is emulating freedom from within as shown by the picture of the woman who is raising her arms without shame. It highlights the hope one can have despite their past and negative judgments. There is reconciliation with those who have harmed them emotionally along with a new vision of self, shifting towards full acceptance.

What do the beings on the cover represent? Are there specific traits or characteristics that should be emphasized?

The woman on the cover represents an awakening to something new, bright, and hopeful that was previously undiscovered. Her stance is of gratitude to a higher power that has unconditionally loved her all her life. She is now able to begin a new search for authenticity with positivity, self-love, and acceptance.

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Unconditional Beings Living in a Conditional World: The Underlying Dilemma

Why is it so difficult to love yourself and understand the underlying issues to your problems?

In our fast-paced world, it feels like there is not enough time, money, energy, or mental capacity to pursue everything. What is the secret to managing all this and making room to help ourselves find balance in our lives? There’s a conflict between our need to be loved unconditionally and the limited The front cover of Unconditional Beings Living in a Conditional World: The Underlying Dilemma by Dr. Sonya H. Chasupport we get from this conditional world. We call the mental state we need to reach a self-approbated ego.

You will see how the integration of mental health and spirituality can improve your quality of life. Discover how the ego works with ego plasticity to shed light on identity and relationship issues, while finding sustainable happiness and improving self-esteem. The subconscious naturally seeks unconditional love and respect. This process toward self-approbation can further expand our capabilities in this ever-changing world.

Dr. Sonya H. Cha is a graduate from Fuller Theological Seminary School of Psychology, practicing as a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, with a Ph.D. in Performance Psychology, and working as a part-time university professor. This approach to life is one she benefited from herself. There were long periods of time when things seemed impossible, from raising four kids, working full-time, managing a Ph.D. program, and founded a group practice, Center for Integrated Care that provides mental health and psychiatry services to the community. Through her spirituality and self-approbated ego, she was able to manage all of this and more, while passionately fulfilling her dreams. Her area of specialty includes trauma-focused treatment, couples therapy, family therapy, and Christian counseling. Her passion is to unearth potential and optimize capacities for people so that they can live healthier lives.

Every life has an element of struggle. Identify your Underlying Dilemma so that you can begin your journey of self-care and self-improvement. It’s the most important journey you’ll ever take.

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