The Hidden Cries Behind Her Smile One Woman’s Journey to Finding Her Voice Spotlight

The Hidden Cries Behind Her Smile One Woman’s Journey to Finding Her Voice as She Unpacked All the Trauma
That She Endured in Her Emotionally, Verbally and Mentally Abusive

Nonfiction / Memoir

Date Published: December 14, 2022

Publisher: LifeRich Publishing


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The Hidden Cries Behind Her Smile is a book filled with journal entries
from one woman’s journey of discovering that she was living in an
emotionally, mentally and verbally abusive marriage. In this book you will
find some of her deepest and rawest emotions as she began to unpack all of
the pain that this abuse had left on her mind and her heart. This type of
abuse is one that is not talked about a lot because you cannot see the marks
that it leaves on one’s body. In the pages of this book the writer
paints a picture of the wounds and the scars that emotional, mental and
verbal abuse does to a person’s heart and mind. You can almost hear
her cries as you read through her journal entries, the cries that were
hidden behind her smile for so long.


About the Author

Felicity is a woman who was married at the age of 19 and has been married
for 30 years. She has devoted three decades of her life to her husband and
kids, being a stay at home mom, homemaker and home schooling her children.
Throughout her marriage she always knew that something wasn’t right in
her relationship but she never quite knew what it was. It wasn’t until
25 years into her marriage that she began to discover that she was in an
emotionally, mentally and verbally abusive relationship. During this time
she began doing research on the topic of emotional, mental and verbal abuse.
This new revelation began opening up many painful wounds inside of her as it
painted a new picture of what her marriage had done to her emotionally,
mentally and physically. To express her feelings she began writing about the
pain that was surfacing inside of her. During this season in her life she
knew that she wasn’t the only one who was going through the deep pain
of this hidden abuse, which led to her desire to put her writings into a
book to share with others. Her hope is that her words will help others feel
seen who are living in an emotionally, mentally and verbally abusive
relationship. Her prayer is that those who read her words will know that
they are not alone as they navigate through healing from this painful and
hidden abuse.


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