The Enpirion Project by L Bossi


The Enpirion Project by L Bossi

The Enpirion Project: Exordium (Book 1)

The Print version of this book contains over 200 illustrations and 3 full digital paintings.  New 2nd Ed Printing has updated artwork, glossary and map!

Welcome to Aetrelys, home of the Seri.

Enpirion, a gifted soldier of his ancient, energy-wielding race, awakens, alone and friendless, in a new home after a terrible ordeal that has left him with both physical and mental scars. Placed back into active service, he finds himself struggling to overcome what he’s been through and the problems it has left him with. Even while desperately trying to cope with his own deep-seated issues, Piri is drawn into a far-reaching dilemma that, while on the surface seems to be merely a fanatical human sector targeting his race, has much further reaching consequences.

With a threat arising from a vastly different domain governed by a unique, chaotic and conflicting energy source, the situation begins to quickly spiral out of control and Piri finds himself having to confront issues with his culture and loyalties, as well as fighting an internal battle with a newly arising realization of who and what he is as he struggles to save everything that he knows from destruction.

Book Themes:

  • ♥ LGBT+
  • ° Mental Health
  • ° Depression
  • ° Anxiety
  • ° Self-confidence
  • ° Interpersonal Relationships
  • ° Contains mild sexual content


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Goodreads Exordium:

The Enpirion Project: Nadir (Book 2)


The Print Version of this book contains over 200 illustrations and 3 full digital paintings.

Two years have passed. Two years since the Mark, since Merythalis changed the shape of the known world.

Life since the “Incident” has been anything but normal. Lasting changes to the physical world have led to a dramatic rise in tensions and turmoil in the system has put the relatively new Seri government on the brink of collapse. What began as an underground movement to revive the Old Empire has gained in strength, threatening a revolution and using both Merythalis and Piri as their rally cry for change.

With Neph on the front lines of the political upheaval, consumed with trying to stabilize the situation, and Piri struggling to handle an increasingly volatile and secluded life in which he has been branded a social pariah, along with serious lingering physical repercussions from Merythalis, their world has begun to fall apart. The relationship strained nearly to breaking and life collapsing around them, the two are thrown into an untenable situation, caught between political ambitions and supernatural forces, all focused on Piri and an ancient order that could destroy everything they know.

Book Themes:

  • ♥ LGBT+
  • ° Mental Health
  • ° Depression
  • ° Anxiety
  • ° Self-confidence
  • ° Interpersonal Relationships

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