Never Again Means Never Again: A Must-Read Book by Michael Gutter

This nonfiction book is a must-read for anyone who wants to understand the depths of human cruelty and resilience, and the power of hope in the darkest of times. Michael Gutter has two versions of Never Again Means Never Again, the first being a no-holds-barred, straight forward and honest discussion of Gutter’s message. The second, Never Again STILL Means Never Again, is the “book that anyone from anywhere” can read, still loaded with the same facts, subjects and storylines as the first, it simply refrains from the dark humor, insults, or foul language used in the first book. It can be seen as a more diplomatic approach to the same topics. Here, we’d like to pick Michael Gutter’s brain and gain more insight into his books and the important messages he’d like to share with the world.

Tell us about your book.

The front cover of Never Again Means Never Again by Michael S. GutterThis book is a “no holds barred”, “in your face” style and written exactly how I would speak face to face with a hate group member, fellow Jews, racists, homophobes, etc. People who know me and have read the book concur with that.

This book provides a tremendous amount of facts along with my opinions. I’m comfortable in saying that this is the greatest book ever written confronting antisemitism.

I cover antisemitism, racism, LGBTQ, parts of WWII, the Holocaust, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Jews in Hollywood, Nobel Prize, Treaty of Versailles and much, much more. Furthermore, my writings are done in such away that leaves no issue of my stance on the topics I covered. I also present common sense solutions throughout the book.

What is the PRIMARY benefit, above all others, that your potential reader will gain from reading this book?

There is no doubt the reader will learn an extensive amount of history that they had no idea about. In most cases, the readers remember what I wrote by the way I present extremely surprising facts. This book is important, very important, and I made sure that whichever topic I wrote in the book, the reader’s “take away” would be to get involved. Getting involved is kind of open ended, I provide so many areas talking to the readers, but I leave so many areas to get involved. Make a difference. Not in an hour, day, or month, but NOW. 

If you had to compare this book to any other book out there, which book would it be?

None. Frankly, not even close. That’s not an arrogant or cocky response, I know of no other book to compare it to.

Hundreds of thousands of books come out every year. Why should someone buy THIS book? 

A book like this should have already been written. There currently is no book written that confronts antisemitism, racism, etc., in the manner of my book. The feedback I’ve received shows me people are “getting it.” I cover so many topics, and I ask for someone to refute anything I’ve written.

If someone wants to get a “real world” education on history, current topics, and legitimate facts, this is your book. Hopefully this is a “wake up call” to all minorities, this book should be the catalyst to finally putting your “first step forward” in becoming the solution.

Who is your target audience?

As far as I’m concerned it should be required reading for ages 10 to 130 years old. Maybe 150. The writings are for both men and women equally, and geographically, it’s worldwide. Unfortunately, antisemitism and racism know no age. It’s permeated in both youth and adults.

If you can read this book with an open mind, the benefits could change your life for the better. Some can be welcomed back to society. Some could, should, have a whole new perspective on all minorities.

Did your environment or upbringing play a major role in your writing and did you use it to your advantage?

Without a doubt. I think all writers bring all their good and bad baggage into their writings. I just can’t believe that over the last 100 or so years that some of the topics and answers I wrote haven’t been more in the spotlight for change and acceptance. There have been over 4,700 anti-Semitic incidences over the last 2 years in the U.S., would you say what we’re doing is working? We need to get on the offensive side of this and that’s what I write a lot about.

Tell us your most rewarding experience since publishing your work?

The front cover of Never Again Still Means Never Again by Michael S. GutterThe feedback. You wake up one day and decide to write something, then one day you finally put the pen down. Shortly after that you have your actual writings sitting on a coffee table. It’s truly crazy in this day and age how quickly you can go from writing a book to “book in-hand.” Again, I also hear a lot of, “it’s about time.” 

I wrote all of it without holding back, I never thought “Oh, this may insult someone,” and not put it in. It is written with facts so if someone disagrees, I look forward to a rebuttal. Hasn’t happened yet, but with more people reading it, maybe it will.

How would you describe your writing style?

No nonsense. Again, I want to leave no doubt, none, on my positions.

Are your characters pure fiction, or did you draw from people you know?

As a nonfiction book I certainly drew from people I know. From many people. I did not ask or approach anyone specifically in the book, but sure, a lot of my writings came from my upbringing.

Are you more of a character artist or a plot-driven writer?

All the above. I cover so many people and address so many “plot-driven” nuances that the “character artist” and “plot-driven writing” become intertwined throughout the book.

What do you hope to accomplish with your book other than selling it? 

Get the word out. Hate group members need to read facts about their history and minorities history and stop with the nonsense. They and others do not have to live this way. Fellow Jews and other minorities need to go on the offensive “side of the ball” to get rid of the hate. We don’t need to pay policeman to watch and guard our Synagogues, Jewish Centers, etc. we need to protect them ourselves… by any means necessary.

I have a ton of items that I hope to accomplish from this book, you’ll just have to read to understand what I mean.

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