Mysticism, Murder and Romance: The Bert and Norah Mysteries

For crime fiction enthusiasts, the Bert and Norah Mysteries by Bernie Burgess is a highly recommended read. The series follows the journey of a married couple who are private investigators keen on uncovering the truth behind murders in a variety of locations such as small towns. However, what sets this series apart is the presence of a coywolf tracker and Norah’s psychic abilities, which add an exciting edge to their investigations. In this interview, we’ll explore more about this incredible series and what makes it an exceptional read.

Tell us about your book.

The front cover of Bert and Norah: The Missing by Bernard BurgessI have currently self-published five books in a fictional mystery series, which I call the Bert and Norah Mysteries. Being a series, my main characters flow through and continue in all the books, and I have added a few others along the way. The stories center on the private investigation company, B & N Investigations. It’s founded by a husband and wife team, Bert and Norah Lynnes. The third main character is a female coywolf, Missy. She arrives as a very young pup rescued from certain death following the loss of her parents. Missy becomes the gifted nose of the team, specializing in finding missing people. Each book begins with a situation and call for help to find someone who is missing. From there, the team may be drawn into attempting to solve criminal involvement. The first book follows the trail of a killer. 

What is the PRIMARY benefit, above all others, that your potential reader will gain from reading this book?

I made a decision early in my writing to have minimal cursing and gore despite the nature of my stories. So the reader is drawn into the story by vivid descriptions, unique storylines, and interesting discourse rather than sensationalism. My male character is a history buff, and likes to seek out the interesting history of the locations they traverse, so the reader is introduced to intriguing nuggets of small town history. Some readers have even taken road trips to see places described in the stories. I worked for a time as a private investigator. The reader may find the description some techniques of mobile investigations fascinating. Above all, I use the talents and inputs of several beta readers as I’m drafting my stories in order to stay on a path that’s both logical and attention-holding. 

If you had to compare this book to any other book out there, which book would it be?

So far, I do not know of any other books which are like mine. I often tell people that they are a genre unto themselves. Besides being intellectual and private investigative mysteries, there is an underlying love story. Many readers may find that very attractive and intriguing. I’ve included an unusual animal character, a female coywolf, to add interest but also to inform. The coywolf is an actual coyote-wolf hybrid which is spreading across the country and readers should be aware of. With the survivability traits of the coyote and the larger size and aggressiveness of the wolf, it is a predator which is likely living within even our larger cities and communities. In addition, there are aspects of the supernatural woven into my story and characters, which may be shocking to some. 

Hundreds of thousands of books come out every year. Why should someone buy THIS book? 

As noted above, my books are a rare combination of both love story and mystery, with elements of the supernatural and a little known animal character mixed in. They make readers aware of places and history which they would possibly never know about if not for my stories. 

Who is your target audience?

Older teens, young adults, and even senior citizens can enjoy my stories. If they like mystery, intrigue, a good love story, and enjoy a travel log of scenic or unique places. 

Did your environment or upbringing play a major role in your writing and did you use it to your advantage?

The front cover of Bert and Norah: Murder in the Ozarks by Bernard BurgessYes, I grew up in the upper Midwest region on a Nebraskan cattle ranch. As a retired military pilot, I have traveled the U.S. extensively and know the areas well. I grew up around animals, both wild and domestic, and share that knowledge through my coywolf character. As the oldest child living miles from other kids, I had to learn to entertain myself in the solitude of the outdoors with my imagination, which serves me well in developing a storyline.

Tell us your most rewarding experience since publishing your work?

Getting reviews where readers say they couldn’t put the books down, often reading them entirely in one sitting. 

How would you describe your writing style?

Easy going and logical. 

Are your characters pure fiction, or did you draw from people you know?

My characters are fictional though they are inspired by some people or family members I’ve known or worked with. Some qualities I draw from my military background and there is perhaps an alter-ego at play. 

Are you more of a character artist or a plot-driven writer?

Both, I believe. I create a plot that I believe will be interesting, entertaining, informative, and intriguing. But, it also has to rely upon well developed characters. 

What do you hope to accomplish with your book other than selling it? 

To be a best selling writer. 

How can our readers get in touch with you?

Email me at [email protected]

The Bert and Norah Mysteries on Facebook

Call or text me at 501-581-9252

Where can our readers purchase your book? 

Readers can find the books on Amazon, iUniverse, Barnes and Noble, or purchase direct and signed from the author.