Interview with Vanessa Turner – A Crafter of Gripping, Poignant, and Unprecedented Romance Novels

Vanessa Turner is a romance author who has been writing stories that captivate readers’ hearts.  Her book is a perfect blend of heartwarming romance, with thought-provoking plots. In this interview, we had the opportunity to pick her brain and learn more about her writing process, her latest book, and her journey as a romance writer.

Vanessa Turner, a native of Perth, Western Australia, is an aficionado of romance and fiction. Growing up watching all the fantasy films influenced her to become a fantasy romance author. Her excellent storytelling gives life to the new romantic world as currently, she devotes her time to writing stories with a romantic heart that has a war-like but magical backdrop. Her interest in forbidden love stories compelled her to craft her first novella, “Heart And Steel,” is about Queen Danielle who finds her true love but gets enwrapped in situations where she ends up marrying her nemesis, Lord Edward. She is greatly moved and influenced by the work of Gorge R.R Martin, Tolkien, and JK Rowling. Their writings motivated her to interlace stories to create a magical world of her own. Turner, besides writing, loves cosplay and larp..

Vanessa Turner is definitely a romantic at heart. she used to write a lot of short stories In high school, very creative and vivid imagination. She wanted to write the romance/fantasy genre because She is a romantic and likes the escapism of the fantasy world too.

The thing that inspired Vanessa is the film The Princess Bride, overcoming obstacles, love, as for themes and such well-being a romantic self-expression. Her favorite character and scenes, well, I’d say queen Danielle she is most definitely passionate and strong but shows her kindness and vulnerable side, which reminds me of myself and hopefully, other readers can relate.

Her favorite scene is when she finds out she’s with a child, and William is so overjoyed and happy it’s heartwarming.

We asked what advice she would offer for romance authors is honestly, just don’t listen to the haters or negative people, if you are passionate and it makes you happy, don’t give up! Readers connection, I do my best to write and inspire women with my character and light a fire within them, always open to feedback! And my message is to stay true to yourself.

Heart And Steel by Vanessa Turner

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When Queen Danielle of Elyria meets a handsome young knight named William, she thinks she’s finally found the love of her life. She’s never given up on marrying for love despite her position, and their romance swiftly grows.

But fate is not kind to Danielle and war threatens her borders.

With William’s life and her people on the line, the only hope she has is marrying the cruel and cold Lord Edward Hearts. The idea of marrying for love vanishes before her eyes as she instead enters a union for her kingdom.

In an intense, fiery epic, Danielle must navigate this new marriage with her deadly ally and protect her heart from a war of its own.

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Future projects yes! If this does well I plan to do it as 3 part series! 🙂


Vanessa Turner is a remarkable romance writer whose books have the power to make readers laugh, cry, and fall in love. She approaches her craft with thoughtfulness and sensitivity that translates beautifully onto the page. Whether you’re new to the genre or a lifelong romance reader, I recommend you pick up one of her books today!