Interview with Larry Hamilton writer of the Atlantis Legacy

Hello, I’m Larry Hamilton.  I sell real estate in SW Florida and I write books!

 Can you please tell us more about your journey?  

My journey started in the hills of Eastern Kentucky and have taken me to reside in Ohio, California, Kentucky, Tennessee, and now Florida.  My career path has been that of sales, sale management, entrepreneur and business owner, and writer.  There has been kids and grandkids as an added bonus. 

Please tell us about your Book (that you want to talk about) / Story (that you want to highlight) 

I have started a series of books called the Atlantis Legacy.  Two books are available currently, The Atlantis Codes was the first and now followed by Critical Mass which is Book 2 of the series.  Book 3 which is tentatively titled, No Turning Back:  Disclosure, is under construction.  The storyline is triggered by the search for and discovery of a group of artifacts from the ancient continent of Atlantis and results in a struggle by the main character and his friends to not allow them to fall into the wrong hands as they contain powerful technological and historical knowledge.  Though this is fiction, I have structured the story in such a way that most all of it could be real or could occur in some fashion in the future.  I want the readers to sense that this is less fantasy but rather something that is likely to occur in some form in the near future.  Adds a little weight to the books…

What are the strategies that helped you become successful in your journey? 

In my business career, the strategies have always been simple:  discover the needs of my clients and find a way to fill them in a satisfactory manner. 

In my writing career, it has been about discovering and developing my abilities as a writer the putting the books out there to see who resonates with what I write.  That story is still being written.

Any message for our readers 

Give me a try!  For a small investment, you can take a journey with my interesting cast of characters (which is what I do) and see where they take you.  If you like what you sampled, then by all means let me know and I will enthusiastically communicate with you and continue on this trip right beside you.

 Fantastic! So tell us, how can people find out more about you?

 I have a website  which contains information about me and my books as well as contact forms to sign up for my upcoming newsletters.  I have an author page on Amazon and my books have a presence on most social media platforms.  E-mail me if you like at [email protected].