Interview with Historical Fiction Author Louis Trubiano: The Story Behind What Once Was Promised

At Writers N Authors, we had the privilege of sitting down with historical fiction author Louis Trubiano to discuss his latest novel, What Once Was Promised. In this fascinating interview, Trubiano offers insights into the inspiration behind his story, how his family’s rich history played a role in its development, and the research that brought early 20th-century Boston to life. Buy Now on Amazon

Writers N Authors : What inspired you to write What Once Was Promised? How much of the story is influenced by your own family’s history?

Louis Trubiano : I was greatly influenced by my maternal grandfather, who came to America alone at age 16 in 1914. His experience became the starting point for the novel, as I tried to imagine what his journey must have been like. I wanted to dramatize the Italian immigrant experience, particularly within the North End of Boston, which saw immense cultural and societal change during that period. Growing up in a largely Italian American neighborhood, I drew on my early memories to describe the life, family dynamics, and social structures within the Italian community, including the church and the Social Club and Aid Society.

Writers N Authors: Can you share any specific anecdotes or stories from your grandparents that directly influenced scenes or characters in the book?

Louis Trubiano : One story that stands out is how my grandfather lost an eye shortly after arriving in America, and I mirrored that event in the story for the main character, Domenic Bassini. My grandfather was also a founder of the Torre d’Passeri Mutual Aid Society in Quincy, Massachusetts, which I adapted into the novel by moving it to Boston. His resilience and the role he played in forming such a society deeply influenced how I depicted community leadership and support networks in the immigrant experience.

Writers N Authors: What kind of research did you undertake to accurately depict the historical events and settings in early 20th-century Boston?

Louis Trubiano : The research was both labor-intensive and incredibly rewarding. I relied on numerous books that I reference in the novel and poured over newspaper articles from the era to ensure accuracy. Wikipedia became a reliable source when I needed quick, supplemental information about people or events that I wanted to weave into the narrative. I wanted the historical events, such as the flu epidemic and the molasses flood, to be vividly portrayed alongside the personal struggles of the characters.

Writers N Authors: How did you develop the characters in the novel? Are any of them based on real people from your life or family history?

Louis Trubiano : Domenic Bassini, the main character, was heavily influenced by my grandfather. His stoicism, unwavering dedication to his family, and work ethic are all qualities I admired in him and wanted to reflect in Domenic. The other characters are a blend of imagination and inspiration from the many types of individuals that Italian immigrants encountered—working-class individuals, criminals, anarchists, community leaders, and even politicians. These diverse personas allowed me to explore the varied paths Italian immigrants could take in that era. Buy Now on Amazon

Writers N Authors: What central themes did you aim to explore in What Once Was Promised? Why are these themes important to you?

Louis Trubiano : Family is the main theme—how, no matter how hard we try to protect our loved ones, there are external forces that shape their fate. The Italian immigrants in my novel often found themselves caught up in situations beyond their control, from exploitation to the catastrophic molasses flood. This theme resonates with me because of its relevance to my own family’s struggles and triumphs as they navigated a new world full of both opportunity and hardship.

Writers N Authors: How does your own background and upbringing influence the setting and tone of the novel?

Louis Trubiano : Growing up in an Italian American neighborhood where many of the fathers worked at a shipyard gave me firsthand insight into the community’s tight-knit bonds and challenges. I wanted to bring that world to life in the novel, emphasizing the importance of family, hard work, and loyalty, as well as the pride that came with overcoming adversity.

Writers N Authors: Are there any future projects or novels you’re currently working on? Will they also explore historical themes or immigrant experiences?

Louis Trubiano : Yes, I plan to focus on the Irish immigrant experience next, with a novel centered around the 28th Boston Regiment of the Irish Brigade during the Civil War. This story will follow several Irish immigrants from the war years through their rise to power in Boston in the late 19th century. Much like What Once Was Promised, this new project will delve into the historical struggles and triumphs of immigrants, a subject I’m passionate about.

Louis Trubiano’s What Once Was Promised is an evocative exploration of the Italian immigrant experience in Boston, blending historical events with deeply personal family stories. Be sure to check out his latest release to witness this poignant story of resilience and hope firsthand! Purchase on Amazon

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