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Interview with Mastho Vamsee Author of God Damn It! Smith
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Mastho Vamsee is an Indian author who published several works that include scores of well-appreciated whacky stories and novels.
He is an actor, ace radio presenter, a voice artist, a music composer, and a Tarot card reader apart from a few other things.
He holds MBA degrees, left a sleepy corporate career to take a leap into the colorful arena of media, in 2004.
He is a regular practitioner of Sri Vidya, Mantra Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Kriya Yoga & Meditation and belongs to the highest Indian traditional lineage of Gurus – Sri Guru Datta Parampara. He is an Osho Sanyasin and observes that he had always been a misfit.
For more on Mastho: WWW.AuthorMastho.Com
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What would you say is your interesting writing quirk? Wackiness in theme
What do you like to do when you’re not writing? I present LIVE shows on Radio, compose music, act in fiction on TV & Youtube
When did you write your first book and how old were you? In 2017. I was 41 (though I had been writing stories for magazines from much before that
What does your family think of your writing? My daughters love my books. They are thrilled. My wife does not read my books. My mom tries hard to read at least a little of them. And my father reads the acknowledgments page
What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your books? That I can not only create terrible problems, but somehow actually come up with solutions to them J And my books make me laugh for their wackiness.
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How many books have you written? Which is your favorite? I had written scores of stories. But had published just 4 books. 2 of them are novels and I love both of them… Kanchi and God Damn It! Smith!
Do you have any suggestions to help me become a better writer? If so, what are they I don’t know. I am a writer only when I am half way through a story or novel. Before starting a novel and after finishing a book, I have a strong feeling that I cannot write. Could only suggest that each idea, story, concept, novel is like childbirth. Full of pain. But the childbirth part only happens when your mind is ‘penetrated’ suddenly with an idea and makes you exclaim ‘Fuck!’…
Do you hear from your readers much? What kinds of things do they say? I don’t have thousands of readers yet. I am just a kid in this huge playground. But those who have read my work and communicated with me, had always taken pains to elaborately explain to me, how thrilled they felt reading the book. They have always described each scene they liked and each twist that left them gasping. I am grateful to them
Do you like to create books for adults or children…Why? I am a kid at heart. I have a feeling I can create stories for children, better. But strangely, I had never tried that out. I write for adults… probably because I love ghosts, paranormal stuff and crime & spy thrillers… and these belong to the adult category.
What do you think makes a good story? The standard ingredients. A super premise, twists at regular intervals, a kickass grand ending and narration that makes the reader laugh, cry or explode with expectation.
As a child, what did you want to do when you grew up? I was too good in too many things. So I wanted to do too many things too. Stage performer, theatre artist, music composer, Tarot Card Reader, singer, film director, actor, detective, police officer and a Yogi/Meditator in the Himalayas. I did do a lot of these in life, actually.
When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer? I don’t know. I agreed to write stories for a web mag. Struggled hard to write a story every month and voice it, for a year. Then suddenly I realized that I am already a terrific writer J (I love my books and me. I am my first fan. Too immodest, but true).
How long does it take you to write this books? Took about 6 months for the pre-writing phase for my first book. Then I took 10 months to write it and release it. That makes it 14 months for the first novel, called Kanchi. But I wrote my 2nd novel and released it 40 days! It’s called God Damn It! Smith! Then, I set a target to write and release my next book in 30 days. But the ideation has already taken me 20 days. I am sure I would miss my target by miles
What is your work schedule like when you’re writing? I sit down and write from morning till evening. In the evenings, I present a LIVE show on a radio station. But I know that this is not a great practice. The best way is to be engaged in at least 5 to 6 different activities through the day… one of them should be writing the novel. After releasing each book, I try to take 3 days off and not think about writing. I am yet succeed in that too, unfortunately
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Behind That Closed Door has 6 most wacky stories with endings that you would never imagine. These are my personal pick from various stories I had written over the years. They have ghosts, flying horses, time lapses, crashing planes and as such. 6 kickass suspenseful stories that’d probably leave you awe struck. Honestly.
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Kanchi is a strange story that happens in India. A man who discovers that the ghosts get terrified of him, is sent on a mission to fetch an ancient object from an ancient fortress in a mysterious city called Kanchi. The task is to overpower or outwit 3348 ghosts!
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The Magical 9-Min Secret Technique Of Story Writing is a book that could make you a professional storywriter in no time. It has a 5-step technique following which you could actually write your first story within 9 minutes!
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What brought you to write this book series? I love Robert Ludlum. And I am a fan of spy adventures of Shadow by my favorite author in my mother tongue, Telugu. But reading is different and trying to create such magic is another thing altogether. I never knew that I could write action scenes… they need to be choreographed in your mind when you write. But when I started writing action sequences, I was thrilled at how naturally they started flowing out of me.
How you become a published author? Any inspiration? I love to thrill people… love to look mysterious… to make people feel awed and excited. All the books I read and all the films I watched had given me the same feelings. They inspired me every day for decades. And now it’s my turn to thrill people… Glad I can do this by publishing my books.
Where do you get your information or ideas for your books? For paranormal and metaphysical subjects, I have my own experiences in the spiritual realm. Plus I have my Guru and a circle that could provide me with information. Since many years now, all I had been reading is, out of body experiences, spiritual/psychic powers and the guidance of Gurus. Indian scriptures too, have loads of advanced information in them.
For other kinds of subjects like crime and geographical locations and as such, I use the Internet. I am too lazy to go around searching libraries… unless something compels me to or inspires me enough.
What’s next for you? What are you working on now? I am working on 3 books now, simultaneously J I am writing the second book in the Smith series. God Damn It! Smith! was the first. Clap ‘em Dead! Smith! would be the next. And then I had been working for a few years on a very wacky spiritual subject based in India. It is connects the times of Lord Sri Krishna, in around 3000 BCE to the present day. And the third book I am working on is called… no… that would be suspense. It’s tooooooo wacky a title and you’d have to wait until it is published probably in a month or two. It is a non-fiction work; self help / chick lit types.
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God Damn It Smith a vigilante justice noir detective action thriller
(A Hit Man Smith Action Thriller Series)
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Can a hit man take out himself?
A killer, trying to kill himself.
A man destined to die soon, ready to kill others to stay alive.
A woman whose time on earth would end in 6 days.
And a detective challenged by a serial spear-killer.
John is an orphan, brought up in a foster home in Detroit who turns out to be the deadliest field agent of the DIA. His wife Angela would be dead in 6 days due to terminal illness. The hitman wishes himself dead before his wife and just then a serial killer is on a spear-kill streak.
Young girls are being abducted and sold, real estate mafia is creating havoc, the serial killer mystery is leaving the cops clueless, dark crimes are looming over Detroit and arrives the wrath-filled John. His incredibly powerful instincts, meteoric moves and cloaking skills shall bring peace to all…
but only, if he fails his mission.
‘God Damn It! Smith!’ is a vigilante justice novel with stunning action sequences; a non-stop action-packed thriller of noir detective mystery and suspense that will keep you intrigued until the final twist.
But who is this ‘Smith’ anyway?
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This is a classic premise for some excellent action and suspense…
A crime ridden city where there are drugs, serial killings and abduction of innocent young girls. And then comes the protagonist filled with burning wrath. – This is a classic premise for some excellent action and suspense. God Damn It Smith is very well crafted and delivers entertainment with a punch. I liked it alright. I guess you would too.
By~ vishwanath
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Some interesting incidents in Mastho Vamsee’s life you might want to know
Mastho got initiated into meditation and Mantra Yoga at the age of 13. He has been practicing meditation for 25 years now.
He was a child prodigy of sorts when he gave 100s of stage performances all over India being a ‘Magician’. Won a truckload of awards.
He proposed to the love of his life in his 4th grade and had it going for the next 14 years. Then he got married to the same girl! Now he is happily married for 18 years. That makes it a 33-year relation.
He had been a theatre artist and in addition, performed in different art forms like mimicry, magic, mime and as such by the time he completed his college education.
He has an experience of 18 years as a successful voice artist and he is an award winning radio presenter, on air, since 13 years.
He had acted in 5 Indian films till date, and had been a screenplay writer and director for a comedic television series.
He had done several television shows and is popular as a comedian.
He has been doing Tarot predictions since 14 years.
Other than some percussion instruments, Mastho could never learn any instrument, other than some percussion instruments. He had tried his hand on learning the keyboard, piano, flute, tabla and guitar. He even learnt Indian classical music for several years without any success.
Yet, he had been a music composer for 25 years now and had released several albums, composed jingles for television commercials and short films. His album of Neo Kirtans called Oorjha Tharangini was sold out twice in US.
Mastho goes on spiritual retreats to Indian power centers accompanied by his friend and fellow disciple, from time to time, when they follow austerities and do different kinds of meditations.
He has thousands of fans for his radio shows and stories.
Once, Mastho was on a retreat in a power center called Narsobawadi in India, when he mentally informed one of the idols in one of the temples there, that he would come back in fifteen minutes to worship that deity. The group then sat down for meditation that went on for an hour. That particular deity had then come into a vision of Mastho’s friend and asked him to remind Mastho that he promised to come back in fifteen minutes.
He had been a misfit and did strange things ever since childhood. Perhaps this nature had gotten him to follow Osho in 1996. Mastho is an Osho Sanyasin. Osho had come into a dream of Mastho’s friend one day and had given both their hands into their present Mantra Yoga Guru Sri Samyogananda Natha.
Mastho had experimented with several psychic and occult phenomena and has some crazy experiences with spirits. All the time when he was writing The Spookoholic: Kanchi, he had experienced a strange presence around him. He never saw it or them except in his dreams, though.
Mastho believes that he has come here to finish all remaining Karma in this life. He strives to make this his last incarnation.
Mastho’s pranks, on and off air, had been popular with his friends, family and followers.
He had been a super success in a lot of things in life. But he had failed in so many other things that he feels that these fiascos are the reason for the depth of understanding in life.
Mastho is an avid reader. His grandfather introduced him to Sherlock Holmes at the age of 3. But what he reads now are Poulo Coelho, Richard Bach, Brian Weiss, Swamy Rama, Sri Paramahamsa Yogananda, JZ Knight, Eckhart Tolle, Carlos Castaneda, Swamy Muktananda, Pilot Baba and as such.
10 of the most powerful Himalayan Gurus have come into Mastho’s life. They have all been guiding him in various ways.
His upcoming Bairagee is about a man who is 5000 years old.