Doc (Salvation’s Bane MC 12): A Bones MC Romance Coming Soon

Doc (Salvation’s Bane MC 12): A Bones MC Romance

Motorcycle Club Romance 

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Talia — Helping one of my students out of a bad situation shouldn’t
have been a life altering event. But the second Doc meets us in nothing but
jeans and motorcycle boots, I know I’ll never look at any other man
the same way. I knew Caroline’s father was sexy, but he’s a
well-established physician in the community as well as a member of
Salvation’s Bane MC. As the daughter of Grim Road MC’s
president, I know that’s a line I can’t cross. All I can do is
look from afar. Maybe it’s time to break some rules…

Doc — When my daughter Caroline shows up in a beat-up Ford, I’m
prepared to have me a little chat with some boy who needs a lesson. Instead,
an angel emerges from the driver’s side, and I’m a goner. Of
course, life is never that easy. The girl is the daughter of an MC in the
area that flies under the radar. Grim Road MC is even more secretive than
Salvation’s Bane. Whatever they do must be dangerous, because the next
thing I know, her Dad is telling me to make her my ol’ lady. And my
wife. Good thing I’ve already decided to do both.



WARNING: Graphic violence, adult situations, and references to human
trafficking and domestic abuse that may be triggers for some readers. Happy
ending and no cheating, as always.




All rights reserved.

Copyright ©2023 Marteeka Karland


Fifteen minutes later, Chucky still hadn’t answered her text, and
Linnie hadn’t answered mine. Not surprising, since Trix took every
phone I gave her and pawned them. Linnie had a burner phone for emergencies,
but if she wasn’t in trouble, she might not even have it on.

“I swear to God, Trix, if something has happened to

“She’s fine, Jude,” Trix snapped at me. But her brows
were knitted together, and she was calling Chucky over and over. Apparently
it was going straight to voicemail.

“Dad!” Linnie called out to me from the parking lot. I
hadn’t noticed her right away because the car she got out of
wasn’t the car she was supposed to be getting out of. Instead of the
sleek red Mercedes I knew Chucky usually drove, she got out of a light blue
Taurus. Car had to be at least fifteen years old. Judging by the slight
trail of smoke coming from under the hood, the poor thing had had it.

Relief flooded me, but I did my best not to let it show. Instead, I lifted
my hand and waved to my daughter, plastering a big welcoming smile on my
face. “Hey, sweet Caroline!” There you go, Trix. She wanted me
to use Linnie’s given name? I hoped she never got the song out of her

Linnie ran around the front of the car to the driver’s side. She
appeared to be begging the person driving to get out of the car. I was
prepared for some sixteen- or seventeen-year-old punk wanting to date my
daughter. It was bound to happen sooner or later, though I’d hoped
she’d be at least forty when it did. What I wasn’t prepared for
was the slender beauty who stood and allowed Linnie to snag her hand and
lead her toward me. Wasn’t expecting this. If this was Linnie’s
girlfriend, I was so fucking fucked, because I was sure it was bad form for
a man to lust after his daughter’s girlfriend.

The woman was young. Probably barely out of her teens, if that. She had
long, jet-black hair that hung down her back in tight spirals, shimmering
with bluish-silver highlights in the sun. The breeze blowing off the sea
made all that shining silk blow to one side and whip around her body with
every sudden gust. Her skin was pale, a sharp contrast to the gleaming ebony
hair. She wore pink shorts with large yellow flowers on them and a
short-sleeved white T-shirt. The same flower in pink was inlaid with a
smaller, identical flower in yellow. Definitely one of Linnie’s
friends, romantic or otherwise. Which meant I needed to look the fuck away.
Because, no matter how young she looked or dressed, something in me noticed
the woman beneath. Even if she was trying to hide that woman.

“Dad! Dad!” Linnie waved as she tried to run with her friend in
our direction. The woman with her, however, refused to follow Linnie’s
lead willingly. She looked reluctant as hell to come near us. Every now and
then, her gaze fell on me, and she’d immediately look away. Kept
coming back to me, though. Like she couldn’t decide whether or not to
be afraid of me. “I want you to meet my teacher.”

That got my attention. This lovely young woman was most certainly not Janet
Wankum. Which made me wonder exactly how old this girl was. If she were
Linnie’s teacher wouldn’t she be at least eighteen? No. Not
necessarily. This was a private music class. This could be another student
further along than Linnie helping out Ms. Wankum. I couldn’t help but
let my gaze sweep over the girl again in a more thorough perusal. Thank God
for sunglasses. Surprisingly, I recognized her. Should have by the hair, but
she always kept it in a bun at the base of her skull. Though I hadn’t
known she was a teacher, I knew she was a stellar musician. I remembered
seeing her play various instruments from the piano to the guitar and violin.
Thought she played the flute too, but I wasn’t sure. What I
hadn’t realized at the time was how stunningly lovely she really

Yep. She was luscious, her eyes a gleaming silver that seemed to look into
a man’s soul. Her body was slender yet filled out to perfection. Her
breasts were small, but with her compact body and finely muscled thighs, she
gave the appearance of someone athletic. Maybe that of a delicate ballerina.
Not a musician.

“This is Talia. Her dad’s in an MC too.”

I’d seen her with the younger kids, helping them with all the
patience of a woman twice her age. I’d caught her staring at me more
than once, but she never approached me or gave me the indication she was
anything other than afraid of me. I also thought I knew her father. Which
probably explained her trepidation. If she lived in a biker compound,
she’d be wary of another MC member.

“Rocket? From Grim Road?”

Her lips parted in surprise, and her pale gaze met mine briefly before she
lowered her eyes submissively. Goddamn if my cock didn’t give a

“Yes,” she said with a quick nod. “Rocket is my dad. You
know him?”

“I do. Good man. Leads his club well.”

“Of course, you know

that outlaw,” Trix spat. “He’s a thug, and that girl is
as bad as he is. She’s trying to steal Janet’s students.”
Trix lunged for Linnie, trying to pull her away from Talia. My daughter gave
her mother an impatient look and shrugged her off.

“Mom, Ms. Janet asked Talia to help. She has more students than she
can handle but doesn’t want to drop anyone. Since Talia is the most
advanced of any of us, she helps. Ms. Janet has us two days a month and so
does Talia.”

“I’m not paying for this little… tramp to sit back and
play on her phone while you have another practice session.” Trix
nearly spat the word “tramp.” “You can practice at home,
Caroline. From now on, you’ll let me know what days you’re
supposed to be with Janet, and those are the days you’ll

Caroline looked like her mother had slapped her. “Mom! I can’t
believe you said that! Besides, I know Dad’s the one paying for my
lessons, because he gives me money for them every week I’m with
him.” She stepped away from Beatrix and snagged Talia’s hand
again. The older girl tried to twist free, but Linnie was having none of it.
“Talia is a wonderful teacher. Even Ms. Janet says so.” Linnie
looked at me with pleading eyes. “Daddy, Talia’s not like Mom

“It’s all right, Caroline.” Talia spoke softly, patting
Linnie on the shoulder and gently tugging her hand away. “Not everyone
understands my dad or our way of life. I’m used to it.”

The girl turned to go, but Caroline was persistent. “Please
don’t go yet, Talia. You promised to eat dinner with us.

“I said I’d think about it.” She glanced at her watch. It
wasn’t a fancy watch like the kind that connects to your phone, but
one that looked vintage grandma. Tiny face. Elastic metal band.
“I’m sorry, but I really need to go.” To say Talia looked
supremely uncomfortable was an understatement. She wouldn’t look at
Beatrix at all and only cast furtive glances my way. Mostly she had her head

“Daddy?” Linnie gave me a pleading look, like she thought I had
the power to keep her friend with us. When my little girl gave me that look,
there was no denying her. Good idea or not.

“It’s all right, Talia. Trix was just leaving. You’re
more than welcome to join Linnie and me for supper.”

God help me, the girl’s head snapped up, and she looked at me with
wide, startled eyes before glancing at Trix again and lowering her gaze.
“I’m sorry. But I really can’t. I was supposed to go
straight home. I’ll be in trouble as it is.”

“I’ll make things right with your dad, but tell me why you
disobeyed him? Did Linnie ask you to bring her here?” I wanted Trix to
hear this. Whatever it was. Because, again, I already knew the answer. It
didn’t take a genius to figure it out.

“No. She didn’t ask. And don’t worry about my dad.
I’ll be in trouble, but I know the rules. I’ll tell him what
happened and let him be the judge of if I was right or wrong.”

“Lia…” I deliberately shortened her name, making it
intimate so she’d look up at me again. It worked, though I thought I
might fall to my knees the second her gaze locked with mine. The girl was
stunningly lovely and so Goddamned innocent I knew I was going to hell for
all the dirty thoughts I’d have about her tonight. “Who asked
you to bring Linnie to me at the beach?”

“Mr. Rothschild, sir.”





About the Author

Erotic romance author by night, emergency room tech/clerk by day, Marteeka
Karland works really hard to drive everyone in her life completely and
totally nuts. She has been creating stories from her warped imagination
since she was in the third grade. Her love of writing blossomed throughout
her teenage years until it developed into the totally unorthodox and
irreverent style her English teachers tried so hard to rid her of.


Contact Links

Twitter: @marteekakarland

Facebook: @experiencethemagicmk


Publisher on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram: @changelingpress


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Coming Soon… DOC (Salvations Bane MC) by Marteeka Karland – April 14th


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