Diving Into the Ethereal World of Honey Drop with Krishtina Mayers

Krishtina Mayers is a self-published author with a penchant for writing romance, horror and fantasy. Her newest book, Honey Drop, is sensual and captivating. The unique characters are sure to pull you into their world! Here, we’ve asked Krishtina Mayers some questions about her story.

Tell us about your book?

Honey Drop is meant to be a fun, erotic romance for mature and adult readers. It plays around with a few common romance tropes, but also avoids quite a few, leading to a plot that doesn’t go the way one might expect. It also has very peculiar worldbuilding and characters. There’s magic, sexy fun times, history-inspired details, and all kinds of interesting things.

If you had to compare this book to any other book out there, which book would it be?

The front cover of Honey Drop by Krishtina MayersI’m not sure what to compare this book to. It’s so weird to me. I suppose one could call it nontraditional, or really freaking weird, although likely not the weirdest. No sexy encounters with flirty tentacle monsters here… at least not in this particular love story in the expanded universe. The sequels, which haven’t been published yet, get even weirder though. I might say I’m reminded of odd yet better stories on Literotica.

Hundreds of thousands of books come out every year. Why should someone buy THIS book? 

That’s an impossible question to properly answer, for originality is impossible in the world of storytelling. There will always be something that someone else has done. I will share my favorite elements of Honey Drop, though.

  1. The female lead not only is downright wrong in her actions or statements on occasion, but other characters will call her out and let her know she’s not a Mary Sue. Mary Sues are not allowed in this universe.
  2. The male lead is remarkably unconcerned whenever his love interest has sex with another person, almost complete lack of jealousy there.
  3. The religion in the story’s main setting is pretty relaxed but interesting, vaguely inspired by Hellenistic gods, definitely not exactly so.
  4. The side characters are funny as hell.
  5. Sex scenes. Obviously, this isn’t the first book ever to have sex scenes, but I’m proud to say these scenes are well earned and satisfying, or sometimes even frightening.

Who is your target audience? 

In my personal opinion, anyone 18 or over can read this book, but realistically I’d say the target audience would probably be… women in their early 30s to mid-50s…? English speaking? Romance and Erotica loving ladies with a taste for fantasy? That’s just me guessing. Really, I’d love for anyone, man or woman, as long as they’re adults with adult brains, to read Honey Drop. I try my best to create characters and plots that both men and women would enjoy.

Did your environment or upbringing play a major role in your writing and did you use it to your advantage?

I was kept home for the most part when I was a child, and I learned to read when I was 2 years old. So, I was a voracious lover of imagination, daydreaming, and storytelling even as a toddler. It was only a matter of time before I’d write fiction.

Tell us your most rewarding experience since publishing your work?  

I just like reading reviews, even bad ones. I want more of them. Give me more, please!

How would you describe your writing style?

Sometimes ornate, sometimes plain and blunt, usually dark and with a love of showing instead of telling.

Are your characters pure fiction, or did you draw from people you know?

Always purely fictional. The people I know are usually not suited for my genre of writing, although I try to learn more about people in general, though, to make my characters more realistic.

Are you more of a character artist or a plot-driven writer?  

I’ll say character artist on a normal day. I obsess over characters like they were imaginary friends. It’s unhealthy, really.

What do you hope to accomplish with your book other than selling it? 

I want a fanbase to communicate with and learn more about how to please them, without going against my principles, of course.

How can our readers get in touch with you?

I’m very shy. I don’t like to go around putting my information on social media, and I don’t have a personal website. If you want to hire me for ghostwriting, or some other fiction-based work, my email is [email protected].

Where can our readers purchase your book?

Right now, as far as I know Honey Drop is available on Amazon Kindle.