Dear Mom by Eva Tillman – A Memoir Spotlight

(A letter I will never send, to a mother who would never read it


Non-fiction / Memoir

Date Published: 06-01-2023


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None of us were raised by perfect mothers, nor can we ourselves be perfect
parents. But some mothers sure do know how to ruin a life, well, almost. I
say almost because, although my mother’s parenting left severe damage in its
path and, regrettably, and inevitably, shaped some of the decisions I made,
I am grateful to have realized the issues I was facing. So, I now have the
opportunity to properly address those issues, to minimize their  impact
on my life.

This book holds the words I would express to my mother, if I thought she
cared to acknowledge my feelings at all.

Many others have been “raised” by narcissistic mothers and have
been deeply affected. But it is still possible to live happy lives, free of
Mom’s burden. Writing has helped me immensely in this regard.


About the Author

Eva Tillman published her first work in 2023. However, she has enjoyed
writing since she was a teenager.

She lived in several regions of the United States before she finally
settled in the West with its palm trees and almost constant sunshine. She
loves to read, eat, and help others feel good about themselves.

Many people, including Eva, have faced trauma of different types.
Unfortunately, the hands of time cannot be turned back. But it is possible
to live happy and successful lives, contentedly coping with the slowly
dissipating effects of the trauma.

In her most personal work, “Dear Mom”, Eva does her best to
express herself as she would if she were writing to Mother herself. Perhaps
one day Eva will deliver the book to its rightful recipient. For now, she
enjoys the liberation of having poured out her true feelings.


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