Coffee at the Beach House Hotel Book Spotlight

Coffee at the Beach House Hotel Contemporary Romantic Women’s Fiction



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Ann and Rhonda continue to deal with guests at The Beach House Hotel on the
Gulf Coast of Florida, including Bobby “Bugs” Bailey, a star
player in the NFL. At the Vice-President’s suggestion, Bobby’s
coach has sent him there to work to help adjust his behavior after
Bobby’s life of fame gets out of control. There’s no one better
to handle someone like that then soft-spoken Ann and outrageous Rhonda, who
declares it’s time for Bobby to wake up and smell the coffee.

Tina Marks, the movie star Ann and Rhonda helped earlier, arrives with her
two children and, Sydney Harris, her nanny who Tina has taken in after a bad
family situation.


Another of Judith Keim’s series books celebrating love and families,
strong women meeting challenges, and clean women’s fiction with a
touch of romance—beach reads for all ages with a touch of humor,
satisfying twists, and happy endings. Be sure to check out her other
delightful books and series that readers adore.

The Beach House Hotel Series


Breakfast at The Beach House Hotel

The Beach House Hotel Series Book 1

Lunch at The Beach House Hotel

The Beach House Hotel Series Book 2


Dinner at The Beach House Hotel

The Beach House Hotel Series Book 3

Christmas at The Beach House Hotel

The Beach House Hotel Series Book 4


Margaritas at The Beach House Hotel

The Beach House Hotel Series Book 5

Dessert at The Beach House Hotel

The Beach House Hotel Series Book 6

Coffee at The Beach House Hotel

The Beach House Hotel Series Book 7

High Tea at The Beach House Hotel

The Beach House Hotel Series Book 7

Coming April 15, 2024

Get Your Copies

About the Author

Judith Keim, A USA Today Best Selling Author, is a hybrid author who both
has a publisher and self-publishes. Ms. Keim writes heart-warming novels
about women who face unexpected challenges, meet them with strength, and
find love and happiness along the way, stories with heart. Her best-selling
books are based, in part, on many of the places she’s lived or visited and
on the interesting people she’s met, creating believable characters and
realistic settings her many loyal readers love.

She enjoyed her childhood and young-adult years in Elmira, New York, and
now makes her home in Boise, Idaho, with her husband and their two
dachshunds, Winston and Wally, and other members of her family.

While growing up, she was drawn to the idea of writing stories from a young
age. Books were always present, being read, ready to go back to the library,
or about to be discovered. All in her family shared information from the
books in general conversation, giving them a wealth of knowledge and vivid

 Ms. Keim loves to hear from her readers and appreciates their
enthusiasm for her stories.

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