Non-Fiction Author Interview with Angela Yarborough

Out of Performance, Into Identity: How Love Found Me, Christian Non-Fiction Interview with Angela Yarborough

What was your main drive to write this book? In the beginning, it was all about obedience to God. He had given me a dream one night that I was to write my story as a book. I had no desire to write any kind of book and fought the task for many months.

As I finally began writing my story and sharing bits and pieces of it with other authors, who had rallied beside me in a coaching group, my reasoning changed. I began to hear how it was changing things in their lives because we had similar stories.

At this point, I wanted to share my story so that other women could be overcomers from a life that tried to take them down too.

What do you hope readers will learn by reading this book? I hope my readers will learn that the lies they have believed in their past lie. They can be all and more of what they were created to be and live in peace and joy in the process. Their life matters and they have a great purpose on this earth only they can fulfill. It is totally possible to have the desires of your heart come true as you fall in love with your Creator.

Did you do much research when planning this book? I did not do much research when planning.

I did hire a writing coach who taught me so much as she simply guided me through the process of writing, organizing, editing, designing the cover, and uploading it to the printing site.

Did you have any main people who helped you in the process of this book or influenced you to write it? Oh did I! I write about several of them in my book. God sent so many people across my path as I dug my heels in and came up with excuses as to why I couldn’t write my book.

Some had gone before me and already written several books themselves, some were in the process of writing, and some were not writers at all.

My husband, Jerry, was very supportive in my writing journey as he would always remind me how proud of me that he was for taking on a new adventure.  My best friend, Tara, was a great support as I sometimes called her crying and told her that I just couldn’t do it. She would pray with me and remind me that I could do hard things. My author friend, Sandi, would often sit with me on a muted zoom call as we would write together to hold me accountable for making time for my writing.

These 3 were the best!

How long did this book take you to write from initial thought to hitting publish? It took me way longer than it should have! It took me 24 months from start to finish. When I say start, I am counting from the night God gave me the dream to write. I would not sit down to actually start writing until 16 months later.

So, if you want to think of it in that way, from sitting down to write my first word to completion, it took me 8 months.

Do you have plans to write more about this topic or new topics? I have plans to write more on the topic of the next chapters of my life. Where my life has led since I discovered my love story with Jesus.

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Learn more about Out of Performance, Into Identity: How Love Found Me

Out of Performance, Into Identity is a book for any woman who has found herself fighting for the love, acceptance, and belonging that her heart continually craves only to come out on the other side feeling defeated and alone.

The problem is not what your heart is searching for; it’s where you are looking. God placed those desires in your heart for a purpose. You have a purpose. He wants to capture your heart and show you what true love looks like.

This book will take you on an adventure to discover:

  • What lies am I still holding onto from my past that are blocking me from receiving His full love?
  • How do I find the truth to replace those lies?
  • Can God take away the guilt and shame from my past and love me even after what I have done?

As author Angela Yarborough shares her life story, she provides an answer to these questions by uncovering the enemy’s tactics and showing you how to find your Prince of Peace.

His love makes every fairy tale fall short

My God does not disappoint – I dare you to try Him!

Out of Performance, Into Identity” is a captivating love story of God’s persistent grace and transformative mercy. It is more than a moving testimonial narrative, it is a welcome invitation to share in His restorative healing.”
—Emilea Haddox – Bible Study Sisters


Purchase Out of Performance, Into Identity on Amazon

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