Cara Hartley – Ornery’s Gambit Book Spotlight

Ornery’s Gambit: Poems and a Story Inspired by the Wayward and Upward Album from Spinoza Gambit (Ornery Owl’s Poetry Collection)

The front cover of Ornery's Gambit by Cara HartleyThe poems, story, and thoughts included in this brief volume were inspired by the independently produced album Wayward and Upward by Spinoza Gambit. The story Prodigal Moon and the poem 401 Rush were included in the Wayward and Upward anthology published by Off Topic Press.

I opted to publish this book on my 59th birthday. It would be a wonderful gift to learn that my work inspired you or led you to learn more about the Wayward and Upward album and anthology.

With love,

Ornery Owl

Purchase Ornery’s Gambit


About the Author

About Ornery Owl

Ornery Owl is a wise old bird who seeks the truth behind the lies. She uses her observations to heal the wounded soul. In essence, she is the spirit of an odd little bird whose wings were clipped at a young age. She is at once a whimsical manifestation of poetic expression and a fierce protector of those targeted for derision by an angry and unsympathetic world. Depending on how you perceive her, she can be either a goddamned delight or your worst nightmare.

About Cara Hartley

I’m the poetry side of Team Netherworld/Naughty Netherworld Press. Cara Hartley is my real name. I also write about mental health and recovery topics as Cara H, in keeping with AA/NA idea that we are all equal regardless of status and renown.

I’ve been writing poetry since early childhood. When I was six years old, my poem and picture won a competition and were displayed at the 1971 New Mexico State Fair. My poetry has gotten darker, swearier, and angrier since the days of the old lady who sat in her chair, who never got up and never did care. In fact, I have become the cantankerous old lady who sat in her chair. I will never apologize for being a feminist and not the fun kind. A society that fears female equality is a failed society.

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