An Interview with Leadership Expert Thomas J Snee

In this exclusive interview, Thomas J Snee speaks about leadership and how it can be used to pull people up, hold them together, and stand strong as one. He believes that every person should strive to make the world a better place through their own unique leadership skills. He emphasizes the importance of reaching out and connecting with those around us, as well as understanding our individual strengths and weaknesses in order to best serve others. He also notes that we must always remember that no matter what, it is important to stay strong together in order to face any challenge head-on. Through his words and experiences, he encourages us all to understand the power of leadership and use it to help each other grow. By embracing these qualities within ourselves, we have the potential to become great leaders and create positive outcomes that will benefit everyone. With Thomas’ guidance, we can all take the first step in truly making a difference for our community and the world around us.

Tell us about your book?

This book should be a parachute that when opened will allow a futuristic sail of ideas come to life. Its ambition is to share experiences and reflections for all. I would never think of telling anyone how to lead, but rather, to inspire on their past of how to ‘be silent and listen.’  Creating a ready power source of collective resources from others, myself, and contemplative applied encounters is the way to lead. Leadership is a behavioral model of motivation. This book attempts to centerline those proficiencies under the header in the letters of LEADERSHIP. Nothing graphic, shocking, just a determined mindset that can be explored of what has already been accomplished, practiced, and pursued to further enhancement.

FORCM (SW) Thomas J. Snee, USN, (Ret)

This question has often been expressed and shared with me. The ‘white hat’, as we were so often called, ‘halfcocked’ on the back of our heads, defined us as persons, who were alwayssearching and looking out to sea for a new life. The right foot on the lines, not to jump or surrender, but a ‘leg up’ on life’s challenges in thought and ideas by persons we call, SHIPMATES

You see, most of us ‘signed on as young men’, for the seas and a new adventure. We left our hometowns to create, make, and hopefully aim our ‘shot line’, into new friendships and ports of call. No, we did not forget our hometown friends, but rather, rediscovered a whole new world. Some may think, that when our ‘brows’ were pulled up, we departed, but to move on, from those anchored pasts. These valued bonds were left for other gangplanks in another life. We moved on to make new and bigger bow waves for smoother wakes, in life’s high seas. We did not sign on to organizations or associations to be forgotten, with titles or positions, but as persons of dignity, value, and self-worth, or simply, as SHIPMATES.

So, when you meet that casual friend, remember, they too are persons on a sea detail away from home. They were searching for a bonding as SHIPMATES for a new life. Sometimes lonely, but always, just a bonding in friendship, from the many sea tales of the past, as a SHIPMATE. We are not just another name on the rolls, but real persons, who have feelings, emotions, and needs to reconnect those shot line crossings to each other’s bows. We are, after all, and always will be, SHIPMATES, in LEADERSHIP! Purchase on Amazon 

What is the PRIMARY benefit, above all others, that your potential reader will gain from reading this book?

I would like for the readers to take away a set of intrinsic values to hallmark their achievements and measurements from their own spheres. Never be too hard on yourself, but by choice, accentuate your impulses to be driven and discovered to those ambitions and inspirations to a proclaimed path of goals and actions. If success is not initially achieved or measured, always persevere, and seek another course. “Excellence is not a skill, but an attitude. Do not just FINISH, always continue to START!”

If you had to compare this book to any other book out there, which book would it be?

To compare my book with another book, would be a challenge all in itself, when considering the experiences of other authors, but in the general sense, plausible. I have read many articles, books, attended many lectures and practiced those desires from the actions of other leaders. Two books that standout and are my favorites would be: ‘Lessons from the Mouse,’ by Dennis Snow, Vice President of Disney World. He is an instrumental leader of one of the largest theme parks, with a success that can only be said, WOW. Mr. Snow presents a thumbnail imprint of ten lessons to guide his readers while applying excellence in their own organization, careers, and lives. Whether it would be used as a tool for increased organization effectiveness or as a pocket guide for a college graduate or a new entrepreneur, this book provides timeless, strategic, and straightforward advice. Book two is, ‘It’s Your Ship!’ by Captain D. Michael Abrashoff, U. S. Navy. His direction and oversight are a centerline cause and effect for his crew, the ship, and operational readiness at ease in all three facets. Leading men to safeguard the material condition of a ship and still maintain operational readiness, both in port and in combat. Both authors present a very distinguish style of Leadership from their prescribed outlooks and priorities within their organizations. There are and will continue to be many mentors, coaches, motivational speakers who will continue to inspire me on this delicate subject. Truly an outreach that searches for exemplative articles to better inform. We must always take into account and remember, the magnitude from ‘subject matter experts’ (SME) with a proven and well assessed action.

Hundreds of thousands of books come out every year. Why should someone buy THIS book?

First, take notice of the picture on the cover of this book. Its resourceful action reflects momentum. Next, review read and absorb with an intended desire from the authenticity of proven values of many leadership styles. For me it was thirty plus years in the U. S. Navy; 15 years as a classroom middle school teacher and administrator; congressional lobbyist for Veterans; and as a mentor for all.

Who is your target audience? 

The ‘target audience’ ideally would be all persons who can rationalize a coverage such as a beach umbrella when opened enhances the mind to also be open for innovative expressions. As for gender, it is for all persons. The age should be carefully depicted in the scope of responsibility from the person who is equally open and receptive. As for the benefits, a willingness from a sentiment to reach out, expand and accept the daily risks. Application of driven criterions from a culturally based venue will give greater expansion of moral fiber and character.

Did your environment or upbringing play a major role in your writing, and did you use it to your advantage?

My upbringing was strict but with a loving and caring home. I would have to admit being a slower learner in school had a direct impact on me. With that said, writing was at the bottom of my subject loads. Success was stressed upon academic and sports by the family. This hindered me both physically and emotionally, of not always being ‘accepted or included.’  Having this ‘albatross’ over me surge a desire to expand on my own terms and time. The Navy gave me that edge to expand and to seek a brighter forbearance in opportunities to contribute and make a total commitment ahead. Later in my life I played All-Navy tennis, attained my undergraduate degree in Liberal Arts/Psychology, and my M. Ed., in Educational Leadership. Being a middle school classroom teacher and school administrator afforded me the ‘search and rescue’ not only for students with the same issues, but to me personally. To regenerate a mature experience for success, I had to redirect those fears from combat, personal ambitions, and a self-preservation in order to pass along to others. My statement was always, YES. This was my ‘springboard’ to write.

Tell us your most rewarding experience since publishing your work?

It has epitomized my personal confidence to project and share. Writing has never been my strongest aptitude, but with a change in attitude & drive, I set aside my fears and ‘demon driven anxieties’ to publish three books, with motivation. Placing a demand on my confidence and self-determination was the most rewarding experience and inner feeling; I am now an author and published. This venture allowed for me to given two commencement speeches at George Mason University and Excelsior University. When you stand before graduates, faculty, and staff, you know YOU DID IT. It was more than just a ‘talk’ but a determined ‘stride’ and boost in self-confidence; that was my Leadership and accomplishment. Again, I did it, and can give counsel, a positive empowerment for others. My internal motto is: “Don’t just FINISH, START AGAIN!” 

How would you describe your writing style?

My writing style depends on the message and always optimism. Being always consistent and aware of my audience, I would never ‘cross the line,’ or presume or assume without giving due recognition, and respect. To overstep these boundaries would be a total disregard in difference and disheartens. My materials are strictly informative to allow and encourage others to be welcomed and included through acceptance. Collaborative processes are key with any style or presentation.

Are your characters pure fiction, or did you draw from people you know?

There are no ‘characters’ in my book(s), just attitudes. I always welcome new and creative ideas in writing to be shared and welcomed. This author always seeks those new adventures in creativity to learn from others, to continue future writings. I would hope this plain would be equally the same from them.

Are you more of a character artist or a plot-driven writer?

I would say, a ‘table/desk’ writer.

What do you hope to accomplish with your book other than selling it? 

That the others will be enriched from its content and ideas, to share, take away a thought, message, or measurement and to be presented, in application for future leaders including themselves. To summarize I ask you to listen to this moving musical selection by Tom Barabas.

Reach for your Dreams’!

Where can our readers purchase your book? 

Purchase on Amazon . I am really hoping that through this marketing potential, it will be expanded for more purchases.