Abolishing the Traditions of Men in the Church Book Spotlight

Abolishing the Traditions of Men in the Church Book Spotlight

An ex.po.sé on Christian doctrines and traditions which are against
God’s covenants.


Religion / Nonfiction

Date Published: 01/24/2023

Publisher: Times of Truth Publishing


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This book shows how the original Hebrews, including the followers of
Christ, understood God’s voice; how they knew a Scriptural text was
inspired and should be accepted.

It highlights issues which have arisen because, in early Church history,
the original voice wasn’t understood and followed properly.

Since the death of the last of the 12 Apostles, traditions of men have
taken over the Church, and these have had negative effects on the world
despite the Church putting so much effort into evangelism and winning

This book shows how and why Christianity is not the fastest-growing
religion, despite efforts in evangelism and soul-winning.

This book goes further to provide more accurate interpretations of the
events from the Garden of Eden down to the tree of life in the book of
Revelation. It uses principles of interpretation, as provided by the Bible

The book has pointed out traditions of men in the Church with respect to
teachings on Hell, Heaven, who goes to Heaven, what happens when we die,
binding the devil, witches and wizards, one is taken and one left, pleading
the blood of Jesus, the Church as the bride of Christ, times of the
gentiles, salvation, brothers and sisters of mine, repent or you’ll
burn in hell and many other daily teachings.

About the Author

Aniekan Okono is a graduate of Business Administration. He holds
professional certificates in Business Analysis, Business Architecture and
Enterprise Architecture.

He is an Enterprise Architect by profession and an avid Bible reader.


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