A Page-Turning Psychological Thriller: The Deadly Samaritan by Michael Geczi

Michael Geczi is a seasoned writer and editor, having much experience from Wall Street executive, journalist, communications/crisis consultant, to university instructor and so much more. Author of books such as Futures: The Anti-Inflation Investment, End of the Trail, and now, launched in June 2023, The Deadly Samaritan. It’s clear that Geczi has expanded his horizons and perfected his craft with variety throughout the years. His writing style is clear and concise, it flows well without leaving you feeling like something is missing. His newest thrilling murder mystery is just another example of this.

A suspenseful and riveting novel, The Deadly Samaritan by Michael Geczi keeps you on the edge of your seat with every turn of the page. After the first paragraphs you’ll find yourself hooked, and soon you’ll find yourself immersed in Geczi’s intricate and elaborate plot and character development. Geczi’s writing wastes no time and keeps up a fast pace yet still manages to be complex and three dimensional. If you’re a fan of gripping murder mysteries and psychological thrillers, this is definitely the read for you.

The Deadly Samaritan follows Drew McLogan, an ex-TV producer who finds himself getting involved in a small town’s grisly murder case when visiting an old friend, Stan Kaminsky. Stan Kaminsky is Morristown’s chief of police, so as the situation gets deeper and darker McLogan decides to get involved. Politics, religion, a surprising love story, and lots of tension; as the plot thickens you’ll find things only getting more and more complicated.

Highly recommend this thriller!

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Learn more about the Author Michael Geczi https://mikegeczi.com/

Learn more about The Deadly Samaritan www.thedeadlysamaritanbook.com