A Conversational Interview with R.W. Dove about his Action & Adventure Fantasy book “Gods and Guardians: Journey to the Plains of Amar”

Have you been looking for an exciting and adventurous book to curl up to on a cold evening? Look no further, for we have an incredible read for you. “Gods and Guardians: Journey to the Plains of Amar,” is an action and adventure fantasy book by R.W. Dove that will take you to a magical world beyond your wildest dreams. We were lucky enough to have the opportunity to sit down with the author and ask him a few questions about his book.

Were there any specific influences or experiences that shaped the world or characters in the book? That’s a good question I grew up on. Science fiction and fantasy.  I loved Star Wars and Star Trek as well as The Lord of the Rings, and Harry Potter.  I also really loved Greek Mythology.   I loved magic as a child, and when I was younger, I loved to go ghost hunting. All these different things helped influence my writing and its characters.

Can you describe the world of Amar and its significance in the context of your story? In many mythologies, the gods live high above their people. This was part of the concept in the story that Authur the main character, has to seek help from above. The Plains of Amar is a high mountain plateau that the gods used as a place of communion in the planet’s past. As men fell away from their belief in the gods and into their own technology, the Plains became abandoned by men, but not by the gods or other races that became myths and legends.  I think the book tries to let the man know that he is a race with amnesia.  Even today, man doesn’t know everything about his past, and things that were once important have been forgotten.  I really love watching the show Ancient Aliens and how they showcase much of our forgotten past. Click to purchase on Amazon

We asked about Character Development:

Your characters are diverse and complex. How do you approach character development in your writing? Is there a character from the book that you resonate with the most, and if so, why? I really try not only to have a good storyline to follow, but also to give enough detail about the characters so that people can find a character that they can likewise identify with. While Authur is the main character there are certainly other characters for people to identify with.

Authur’s character struggles with a lot of issues.  He lost his father at a young age and had to grow up quickly.  He had to become the man of the house at a young age which included a lot of hard work. Having grown up on a small farm I understood this concept. He also battles with depression and loneliness as many young people do.

Now take Ebon’s character,  he is a guardian angel type if character.  He has been disguised for eighteen years watching over and waiting for Authur to come of age and fulfill his destiny.  He is patient and kind, but when provoked he will do what is necessary to protect Authur.  He is an extremely powerful entity but he too has a past which is hinted at towards the end of the book. Click to purchase on Amazon

Themes and Messages:

What themes or messages did you aim to explore through “Gods and Guardians”? Is there a particular moral or lesson you hope readers will take away from the story?  Yes, there are actually many moral lessons and pearls of wisdom people of any age can glean from my book.

For one life was never meant to be fair and rarely is, but close friends and family and a trust in something higher than yourself can help you overcome life’s obstacles.

It is also important to keep an open mind when traveling through this journey we call life. Like I said previously we are a race that suffers from amnesia.  We should not be so quick to judge that we don’t understand.  Just because I don’t believe in something doesn’t make it untrue.  Life is an opportunity to explore the unknown.

Magic and Mythos:

Magic and mythos play significant roles in the book. How did you create the magical elements in your story, and what role does mythology play in shaping your narrative? Are there rules or systems governing magic in your world, and if so, how did you develop them? When I was in high school , Fort Chiswell High School to be exact.  We had to study Greek mythology, and I fell in love with it. As the book progresses, the different levels of authority will come into play.  Even Ebon as powerful as he is answers to someone. This book will be part of a series most likely four books to tell the Authur’s full story. He has plenty of adventures to come.

The plot is full of twists and turns. How do you approach constructing the storyline and maintaining suspense throughout the book? Were there any plot points that were particularly challenging or exciting to write? There are a lot plots and twists. The character in book Nathan, who was the one who attacked Authur’s mother was particularly troublesome.  My wife hated his character and loved it when karma came calling.

The struggle to make it at the end when all seemed lost was the most exciting part for me. That’s when you have to unbound the supernatural and paranormal forces and let them run free.  It comes down to the never-ending battle between good and evil.  When the forces of good have had enough, evil has something to fear.

Writing Process:

Can you walk us through your writing process for “Gods and Guardians”? How do you structure your writing and keep track of such a vast, intricate world?

Do you have any particular rituals or habits that aid your creative process?

That is a good question, in the beginning, it was easy. After several chapters, I had to start keeping notes. In fact I keep a notebook just to keep important names and places with me. When I am writing I can see the scenes playing out clearly in my mind, but with so many names and places I get easily confused.  So I keep a notebook with all the important names and places beside me for quick reference  now.

Who is the target audience for “Gods and Guardians,” and what do you hope they will take away from the book? How do you balance catering to both new readers and established fans within a series like this? That is a tough question, really. I think anyone from eight to eighty would really enjoy the book. It’s a book that highlights the bonds of friendship and loyalty.  While at the same time it shows the value of perseverance.  It’s not a story of life is easy but life’s circumstances can be overcome.  Life is not fair, evil may win some great battles but good will overcome and win the war.

For new readers the excitement to see what happens next is my ultimate goal. To write a book that makes them want to keep reading and want more is really what I want.. This series will take four books to tell the story  and I hope new and established fans love them.  Later I will go back and do some back stories on some of the other characters if the fans want.  Click to purchase on Amazon

Future and Expansion:

“Gods and Guardians” seems to set the stage for more adventures. Can you provide any hints or insights into what readers can expect in future installments? Are there any spin-offs or companion pieces in the works for this series? I am actually about halfway through the next book in the series and there are a lot of exciting things to come. I think my fans will be excited at how the next book picks up. Also some questions about Ebon will start to come into focus.  This book Gods and Guardians Journey to the Plains of Amar is just the beginning of an exciting adventure.

What do you hope your legacy will be as an author, especially considering the “Gods and Guardians” series? Looking back, what has been the most rewarding aspect of writing this series? Oh, that question really goes deep. I really hope this book and series for that matter goes on to be a story that will love on long after I’m gone.  I want people to know that whatever you are going through, however unfair life seems to be, you can overcome.  Keep an open mind about things you don’t understand.  Remember no one here on this earth has all the answers.  Life doesn’t come with a step by step comprehensive guide. You have to get out and live life. Go hiking in nature, be kid again and go jump in a creek. Life is all about experiences and making memories.  Above all remember we are not alone. Remember if no one else loves you, God still does.

About Gods and Guardians Journey to the Plains of Amar

The book is a fictional piece about a young boy who on his eighteen birthday learns a life changing truth. After his mother is attacked by a ruthless government official, Authur learns that with the help of an old begger that he is actually the son of a god. The begger Ebon is not exactly what he appears to be and will shock the boys later in the book. Ebon, and Authur and his two best friends flee with Ebon into the forest and their journey to get to a majestic mountaintop know as the Plains of Amar where an ancient portal put there by the gods remain. Arthur’s mother and sister flee the opposite direction at Ebon guidance and they two must face their own obstacles to avoid the government. It’s a story of magic, adventure and the unfailing bonds of friendship. Click to purchase on Amazon

About the Author

I was born in Alexandria VA in the summer of sixty-nine. My family lived in Fairfax for several years before moving to Wythe County which is located in Southwest Virginia. My parents were separated most of my childhood. About a year or so after graduating high school my mother lost here battle with cancer. I grew up loving sci-fi movies and books. I moved to Utah and fell in love the the most wonderful woman, my wife Julie. I still miss the mountains back home. I use to love to go hiking and fishing with friends. Someday I would like to retire and move back to the South back to the simple country life.

“Gods and Guardians: Journey to the Plains of Amar” is a fantastic book that will delight lovers of fantasy, action and adventure. R.W. Dove has created an engaging storyline filled with complex and relatable characters, epic battles, and a magical world that readers will love to explore. It’s a must-read for anyone who’s looking for a great adventure and a gripping story.