Once Upon a Crisisname

Once Upon a Crisis is an informative true story about a police officer cross-trained in law enforcement and emergency medicine that takes many unexpected twists and turns over a thirty-year career. An up-close account of surviving loss that takes a good look at post-traumatic stress from the inside out. A must read for emergency service workers, those close to them, anyone considering a career in the emergency response field, or anyone trying to overcome personal loss.


[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Once Upon a Crisis is an informative true story about a police officer cross-trained in law enforcement and emergency medicine that takes many unexpected twists and turns over a thirty-year career. An up-close account of surviving loss that takes a good look at post-traumatic stress from the inside out. A must read for emergency service workers, those close to them, anyone considering a career in the emergency response field, or anyone trying to overcome personal loss.[/vc_column_text][cms_button custom_bs=”en-ct” dis_inline=”true” spa_right=”true” link_button=”url:https%3A%2F%2Famzn.to%2F2r74OHI|title:Amazon|target:%20_blank|” icon_button=”zmdi-favorite-outline” cms_template=”cms_button.php” color_btn=”#0f009e” color_btn_hover=”#b2b2b2″ color_text=”#ffffff” color_text_hover=”#0f009e” color_border=”#ffffff” color_border_hover=”#0f009e” color_bs=”#efefef” btn_radius=”5px”][cms_button align_button=”right” custom_bs=”en-ct” dis_inline=”true” spa_right=”true” link_button=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fcrisisbook.net%2F|title:Author’s%20Website%20|target:%20_blank|” icon_button=”zmdi-favorite-outline” cms_template=”cms_button.php” color_btn=”#0f009e” color_btn_hover=”#b2b2b2″ color_text=”#ffffff” color_text_hover=”#0f009e” color_border=”#ffffff” color_border_hover=”#0f009e” color_bs=”#efefef” btn_radius=”5px”][cms_button align_button=”right” custom_bs=”en-ct” dis_inline=”true” spa_right=”true” link_button=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.barnesandnoble.com%2Fw%2Fonce-upon-a-crisis-william-may%2F1113074350%3Fean%3D9780988316201|title:Barnes%20%26%20Noble|target:%20_blank|” icon_button=”zmdi-favorite-outline” cms_template=”cms_button.php” color_btn=”#0f009e” color_btn_hover=”#b2b2b2″ color_text=”#ffffff” color_text_hover=”#0f009e” color_border=”#ffffff” color_border_hover=”#0f009e” color_bs=”#efefef” btn_radius=”5px”][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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