10 Writing Tips for an Irresistible Blog

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Best Blog and Writing Tips

How do I write a good blog? This is one of the most frequently asked questions during my writing training and writing coaching. Are you struggling with writing your blogs? Do you want to blog but are you writing too much time and effort now? And are you still not happy with your blogs? Also because the number of responses is disappointing?

Then read on. Because in this blog I give you 10 tips with which you too can write an irresistible blog, which will make your readers enthusiastic and if you want to know more about writing you can refer this Cheap Custom Papers to get more key points on writing for irresistible blog.

  1. Choose an interesting topic for your blog: 

The popularity of your blog depends on the subject. So map out which specific information your target group is looking for. What does your target group want to know about your field? What do they want to read about this? What have they never known about this topic before?

Show that you understand the surfing and googling reader. And that you know what you write about. Share your practical, immediately usable tips that you know always work with your customers.

  1. Ensure that your blog is properly structured: 

A strong and interesting blog is always structured in a specific order: an intriguing title, an intro that makes you curious (and already exposes the problem), followed by interesting information, a good final paragraph, and a call-to-action. These parts are discussed later in this article.

Tip: this blog is an example of how you can build your blog. So read the blog again soon, and then pay attention to the structure again! See how this blog is arranged in that order? Without a good structure (and without interesting content) your reader will soon drop out. And that is, of course, the last thing you want!

  1. Think of a strong title for your blog:

 Always choose a title for your blog that makes your reader curious, and that describes the subject of your blog well.

Tip: Sometimes I will remember a cool title for my new blog. Then I will write my new blog based on that title.

But … I often come up with the title of my blog as soon as I have written my entire blog. Because only then do I know exactly what the message of my blog is (and can I come up with a much better title).

  1. Write a tempting intro to your blog: 

The intro is the first paragraph of your blog. This introduction to your blog is very important. The intro is the moment when your readers decide to read your entire blog. However, this can also be the moment at which your reader decides (permanently) to drop out. And of course, you want to prevent that!

Pay a lot of attention to this first paragraph. Make your reader curious. Respond to their feelings: why should they really read on? What will they discover in your blog?

Tip: you can do that for example by asking questions in the intro. Just like I did. Read the intro of this blog again soon, then you will see what I mean.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”5397″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

  1. Write a strategic final paragraph: 

Your blog always ends with a good, strategic final paragraph. This final paragraph always contains two important elements. In the last paragraph of your blog you, first of all, share your conclusion and the message of your blog. What do you want to give your reader? In this paragraph, you summarize what ‘your point’ is.

This paragraph of your blog is also THE place to build a bridge to yourself and your company. Such as your own experiences, or of course a specific offer or product that matches this blog. For example, you can refer to your new workshop.

  1. Add strategic call-to-actions:

 The second important element of your closure is your call-to-action. This is literally: an impetus to action. With this cleverly chosen sentence, you let your reader take action.

  1. Check your blog down to the last detail: 

A good blog is impossible without a good final check. Not only on language errors but also on content.

Tip: Make sure that all information is complete. You don’t want to know how often I read a blog (or other texts) that says: “Call us.” Or: ’email us’. Without the telephone number or e-mail address is stated.

That is really a missed opportunity. Because that means that your interested reader must start looking for your contact information. Your readers are often busy and sometimes lazy. Chances are that they will drop out if they have to search for your telephone number or e-mail address. So do not make seekers of your interested visitors. Always state your telephone number or e-mail address so that interested visitors to your site can contact you directly.

  1. Choose the correct length for your blog:

 Another frequently asked question about blogging is: how long does a blog have to be? In all honesty: I cannot give you the correct number of words for your blog. I know very short blogs of 2 or 3 paragraphs that stand like a house, and where more words would be superfluous.

In addition, I often see enough blogs of more than 1000 words; that is written so well and fascinatingly, that the number of words is not fascinating. And I also see blogs where I click gapingly from the first lines … As long as your blog is interesting (and you can reinforce that with the layout), the length is less important.

  1. Make sure your blog has a good layout:

Make sure your blog has a good layout. A long, continuous piece of text on your screen or smartphone immediately scares your reader. Use, for example, blank lines to build in ‘air’ on your page. Always use well-chosen subheadings to guide your readers through your text.

  1. Give your beautiful blog the marketing it deserves:

 A good blog is a great marketing tool for your company. So your beautiful blog also deserves good marketing! After all, you have done your utmost to write an interesting blog. So you also want your blog to be read by as many people as possible from your target group. So that they ultimately become a client of yours!

So go and investigate. Where and when is your target group active? View the statistics of your social media accounts and of your website. Share your blog on those social media channels that are read by your favorite customers when they are online!

So writing a good blog requires quite a lot. Don’t let this stop you from blogging or continuing to blog. Because the good news is: you too can learn to write good blogs! It is primarily a matter of awareness: knowing exactly how to approach writing your texts in a smart way. And how you consciously choose the words that make you and your ideal customers happy. Because they suit you. And because they appeal to your ideal customers! That is why I have already shared these 10 blog tips with you.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]