9.78099E+12 Archives | Writers and Authors - Book Reviews, Book Tours and Author interviews https://writersnauthors.com/isbn-10/9-78099e12/ Audiobook Review, Author Interview, Book Reviews and Freelance Writers Wed, 08 Nov 2023 01:53:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://writersnauthors.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/cropped-author-interview-150x150.png 9.78099E+12 Archives | Writers and Authors - Book Reviews, Book Tours and Author interviews https://writersnauthors.com/isbn-10/9-78099e12/ 32 32 Unforgettable Faces & Stories: Keepsakesname https://writersnauthors.com/product/unforgettable-faces-stories-keepsakesname/ https://writersnauthors.com/product/unforgettable-faces-stories-keepsakesname/#respond Sun, 10 Mar 2019 23:06:35 +0000 https://writersnauthors.com/product/unforgettable-faces-stories-keepsakesname/ We all have something that reminds us of someone we loved and lost. Our lives are so busy today and we are running around and always in a hurry. Sometimes we stop quickly...we never know when we will see it...and then we spot it, we stop in our tracks. It may be a vase that we have in our home and walk by it every day, a picture on the wall, an old wine bottle, a medal, a piece of jewelry, an old tea pot, a chair, or a chandelier hanging from the ceiling, something that reminds us or brings us back to a memory of a friend, a parent, a brother or sister, or husband or wife. That special someone who you thought would be around forever to share in your life, and then they were gone...We have little treasures at home - "keepsakes" that we hold, smell, look at, or even hug sometimes. The feelings we get of presence and love, we cannot describe, only feel. For these keepsakes help keep memories of our lost ones alive in our hearts, and knowing that they are very close to us in our everyday lives. Read these stories from these amazing people that share their most intimate feelings and memories of people that have died, and then pull out some of your keepsakes and know that your loved one is there very close to you. Shed a tear or bear a smile...and think and feel the memories of your "Keepsake"...

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I Hate to Go to Bedname https://writersnauthors.com/product/i-hate-to-go-to-bedname/ https://writersnauthors.com/product/i-hate-to-go-to-bedname/#respond Sun, 10 Mar 2019 22:56:15 +0000 https://writersnauthors.com/product/i-hate-to-go-to-bedname/ Almost every kid hates to go to bed for fear of missing some fun. This little boy's imagination runs wild when he hears sounds that convince him that his Mom and Dad are having a blast without him!

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Puddles My Pet Duckname https://writersnauthors.com/product/puddles-my-pet-duckname/ https://writersnauthors.com/product/puddles-my-pet-duckname/#respond Sun, 10 Mar 2019 22:53:49 +0000 https://writersnauthors.com/product/puddles-my-pet-duckname/ "PUDDLES is based on a true story about a little girl named Shirley and her pet duck "Puddles." We sincerely hope our little readers and their families will enjoy the adventures of "Puddles." Our grandchildren have loved the story so we thought we would bring it to life. We have more adventures of "Puddles" to share in the future. Thank you for reading our book." --Shirley and Jerri

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I Miss My Dadname https://writersnauthors.com/product/i-miss-my-dadname/ https://writersnauthors.com/product/i-miss-my-dadname/#respond Sun, 10 Mar 2019 22:52:44 +0000 https://writersnauthors.com/product/i-miss-my-dadname/ A young boy and his family are temporarily separated from his father due to governmental laws, but are reunited after several years.

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Mary Can’t Sing and other Funny Thingsname https://writersnauthors.com/product/mary-cant-sing-and-other-funny-thingsname/ https://writersnauthors.com/product/mary-cant-sing-and-other-funny-thingsname/#respond Sun, 10 Mar 2019 22:49:20 +0000 https://writersnauthors.com/product/mary-cant-sing-and-other-funny-thingsname/ Mary Can't Sing and Other Funny Things is a book that is filled with poetry to which children of all ages can relate. As a parent, how often have you heard, "Do I have to go to school?" or, "Why do I have to take a shower?" This book brings to light a variety of experiences in the lives of children that both parents and kids would enjoy. The detailed and funny illustrations bring to life the poetic words. Family members would delight in reading these poems. This is also a great book for use in the classroom to introduce rhyming words in a fun and meaningful manner. Teachers would also enjoy using this book as an extension to lessons on long and short vowels and to expand the vocabulary skills of their students.

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Princess Sadie Loves Nounsname https://writersnauthors.com/product/princess-sadie-loves-nounsname/ https://writersnauthors.com/product/princess-sadie-loves-nounsname/#respond Sun, 10 Mar 2019 22:18:36 +0000 https://writersnauthors.com/product/princess-sadie-loves-nounsname/ Princess Sadie Loves Nouns is a delightful children's book that will enchant kids and parents alike. Written by author Annmarie Thomas and co-author Winnie N. Thomas, Princess Sadie Loves Nouns teaches children about nouns and how they are used as young readers learn about all the things Princess Sadie loves. Encompassing themes of food, play, learning, and family, this book expands children's horizons by interweaving new concepts and objects with ones already familiar and beloved to kids in preschool and elementary school. Interactive questions are sprinkled throughout the book to encourage children to relate the story to their own lives as they think about the things and people they love. Educators and parents will enjoy using the enrichment activities -- a fill in the missing nouns exercise and a list of common nouns for kindergarten through fifth grade students -- at the end of the book.

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The Poodle Tales: Book Ten: The Full Service Poodlename https://writersnauthors.com/product/the-poodle-tales-book-ten-the-full-service-poodlename/ https://writersnauthors.com/product/the-poodle-tales-book-ten-the-full-service-poodlename/#respond Sun, 10 Mar 2019 22:12:43 +0000 https://writersnauthors.com/product/the-poodle-tales-book-ten-the-full-service-poodlename/ His black and white coat resembled a tuxedo and he loved to learn new activities. He became ..."The Full Service Poodle"!

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Weepy the Dragonname https://writersnauthors.com/product/weepy-the-dragonname/ https://writersnauthors.com/product/weepy-the-dragonname/#respond Sun, 10 Mar 2019 21:47:20 +0000 https://writersnauthors.com/product/weepy-the-dragonname/ Weepy is a dragon, sure, but the dragons nearby would agree that he doesn't act like a dragon at all. He's not angry, scary, and mean. He only eats vegetables with his sharp teeth. He uses his fire-breath as a nightlight because he's afraid of the dark. Worst of all, he tends to cry, something the other dragons - especially his powerful father - would never do! Weepy wants to be more "dragony," but he soon finds that being different has its advantages.

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I Didn’t Do Nuthin’name https://writersnauthors.com/product/i-didnt-do-nuthinname/ https://writersnauthors.com/product/i-didnt-do-nuthinname/#respond Sun, 10 Mar 2019 21:39:34 +0000 https://writersnauthors.com/product/i-didnt-do-nuthinname/ I Didn't Do Nuthin' is a short story about a boy that always seems to get into trouble because of his behavior in class, at home and on the playground. The story winds the reader through the boy's decisions and inner thoughts as he comes to the conclusion that many of his decisions made him a bully in the eyes of his classmates and his family. The story follows his journey to discovering what bullying looks like and how it makes others feel. The artwork is vibrant and the story provides a framework for opening up a discussion about bullying.

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Mag-Nan-I-MOUS Monkey and Gerald Giraffename https://writersnauthors.com/product/mag-nan-i-mous-monkey-and-gerald-giraffename/ https://writersnauthors.com/product/mag-nan-i-mous-monkey-and-gerald-giraffename/#respond Sun, 10 Mar 2019 21:34:43 +0000 https://writersnauthors.com/product/mag-nan-i-mous-monkey-and-gerald-giraffename/ A monkey named Magnanimous gives free advice to a young Giraffe who gets in trouble and learns that free advice is worth what you paid for it. (All the author's profits go to the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research)

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